33 products
Lapis Lazuli Pebble - 30% off
Regular price £16.00 Sale price £11.20 Save 30%This lapis lazuli pebble supports the throat chakra, helping you speak your truth with clarity. This beautiful stone also helps you see the truth more clearly, helpful when trying to navigate tricky situations or busy schedules. Also supportive of the third eye chakra this lapis lazuli pebble encourages clear vision and self-esteem, positive conversation and creativity.
Crystal Healing Tips
➵ Chakra Healing
Associated with both the throat and third eye chakra this lapis lazuli pebble supports the mental process of thought into speech. A clear mind enables you to speak with clarity.
➵ How to use your crystal
This very majestic crystal can be used to attract valuable items. For example, if you want to invest in an expensive piece of jewellery you can use this lapis lazuli pebble to attract either the money to buy the piece, or another fantastic way to obtain the item. On the night of a new moon hold your lapis lazuli pebble and repeat: "My soul is ready to live the life of my dreams”
➵ Best use for your crystal
Having trouble speaking your truth? Many external factors can influence your confidence, making it difficult to speak with clarity. Before any important meeting or public speaking hold your lapis lazuli pebble and focus on the colours and intricate design of the crystal
You need not particularly think of anything, the crystal works on healing your throat and third eye chakra naturally, without any special intention.
If you ever feel tongue-tied or oppressed when speaking, you just need to hold your lapis lazuli pebble and visualise the calming energy of this crystal washing over you like water.
A favourite of Cleopatra, a lapis lazuli pebble was usually used for decoration and adornment by our ancient ancestors, who admired this crystal for its majestic blue colour and gold pattern.
Build your crystal collection:
★ Our ethically sourced crystals are charged under the full moon
★ The Lapis Lazuli Pebble in the pictures is an example:
approximate weight and size:
L - 70g and 65 x 50 x 20 mm
S - 30g and 50 x 30 x 10 mm
Manifestation is when you attract something into existence through the power of your mind. The trick to manifestation is simple, you just need to truly believe that you deserve to have your most amazing dreams come true.
Being an expert manifestor is, for some people, a process. Begin your manifestation journey by focusing on the small wins, like a convenient parking spot or a seat on a busy train. Once you start seeing evidence of some smaller wishes come true, you’ll be ready to give big manifestations a go.
Setting your intention
for every day, little manifestations
Using the power of intention is a simple practice that can be incorporated into your everyday life. The real trick to setting an intention is seeing it through. You must not let negative thinking hold you back. Easier said than done right? That is why crystal work can be an excellent support tool for self work.
Choose a crystal you feel drawn to, set your intention by speaking to the crystal. Just hold your precious gemstone and whisper your wish. Carry your crystal with you so it can be a constant reminder of your mission statement.
Moon Cycle Manifestation
for big manifestation
You can use the moon’s cycle to support your big manifestations. You need to start on the new moon and everyday of the 28 day moon cycle set your intention on a specific wish.
On the night of the new moon you place your crystals in a prominent place in your home, maybe somewhere in the moonlight like a windowsill. Every night until the full moon repeat your intention and see what magic manifests!
Learn more about crystal healing and manifesting on Instagram, Facebook and now Tik Tok.
Chakra healing meaning: The word chakra is originally Sanskrit, meaning 'wheel' or 'turning'. It refers to our main energy centres and how they affect our physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing. Each chakra has its own colour, element and purpose.
Your body is an energy system, and each part has its own function. While your heart keeps the blood flowing and your lungs keep you breathing, your energy system keeps your whole body working properly.
Your chakras need energy to flow through them in order to keep your spiritual body healthy. Imbalances in your energy system can cause psychological and physical symptoms, so it's important to keep your chakras in balance.
One of the ways you can heal your chakra system is through crystal realignment. You simply lay down and place a crystal of the corresponding colour on the chakra point, then sit back and relax as your energy blends with the healing frequency of the crystal.
A crystal's healing properties work on a spiritual level. They help clear your mind and restore your energy. Check out the chart below that illustrates the colour associations with each chakra point, plus examples of crystals that work well for alignments.
*You may be aware of the major seven chakras, the main energy centres of the body in the Indian and Buddhist traditions. But in fact, there are over a hundred chakra points, and at MCC we focus on ten.

This is an excerpt from our blog!
Read about all ten chakras here
How to cleanse your crystals:
1. Smoke cleanse
This is a very popular way to cleanse your crystals. The purifying smoke removes any energetic residue. You should always cleanse your crystals before you charge them.
Some crystal healing enthusiasts use candles or herb bundles. You can also use a bowl of mixed resins and herbs. Sage, rosemary and myrrh make a beautiful blend. Many shamanic healers use sage or palo Santo sticks. You should move the smoke around in a clockwise direction to cleanse the stone.
Sound healing is a great way to uplift your crystals' energy. It is believed that crystals align very well with the frequency of the sound. A lot of spiritual practitioners use a traditional singing bowl, but you can also download healing frequency sounds from Youtube. My favourite healing frequency is 432 hz, the universal frequency of harmony and peace.
How to charge your crystals under the full moon
The full moon marks the peak of the moon’s illumination, and this powerful moonlight is considered to be full of high vibrational energy that will charge your crystals up to their full healing capacity.
Traditionally, it is recommended to cleanse your crystals and leave them in the direct moonlight all night long. If you have a specific crystal healing purpose for any of your stones, you can prepare them by setting an intention.
This excerpt is is from our blog:
Amethyst - 30% off
Regular price £5.00 Sale price £3.50 Save 30%Crystals that are highly spiritual can transform you ....mind, body and spirit. Allow amethyst to soothe your emotions and calm your mind.
Amethyst will counteract negative energy attachments and enhance energetic chi-flow in your home; it boosts inner strength and lifts your mood.
MCC Crystal Work tips
➵ Chakra Healing
Amethyst heals your crown chakra, if you are suffering from analysis paralysis sleep next to amethyst to soothe your overactive thoughts.
➵Manifest your dreams
Amethyst can be used to manifest tranquillity in your life and deep energetic healing. Some use amethyst to connect with their spirit guides. Keep a piece of amethyst next to you bed, every night before you go to sleep repeat this simple intention spell:
“I am getting better and better every day!”✨
Tap your crystal three times to activate!
➵ Best use for your crystal
Place this small piece of amethyst next to your bed to keep your crown chakra energetically aligned. For deep healing lie on your bed for twenty minutes with amethyst just above your head, this will strengthen your crown chakra and remove any mental obstacles you have been trying to release.
Meditation with amethyst will feel deeper and more focused. You’ll feel your spirit heal; this crystal forms a protective bubble around your body. Amethyst inspires creativity, focus and passion, while simultaneously creating a sense of calm and tranquillity.
Did you know?The ancient Greeks used Amethyst for its sobering effects, in fact, its name actually means 'to be intoxicated'It can be used to reduce obsessiveness of any kind, addictions/bad habits/overindulgence
Perfect for:
☾ calming an overactive mind
☾ promoting restful sleep
☾ hyperactivity in children
Build your crystal collection:
★ Ethically sourced crystals, charged under the full moon for extra energetic power
★ The crystal in the pictures is an example:
approximate weight and size:
L - 60g and 50 x 50mm
S - 25g and 30 x 30mm
Manifestation is when you attract something into existence through the power of your mind. The trick to manifestation is simple, you just need to truly believe that you deserve to have your most amazing dreams come true.
Being an expert manifestor is, for some people, a process. Begin your manifestation journey by focusing on the small wins, like a convenient parking spot or a seat on a busy train. Once you start seeing evidence of some smaller wishes come true, you’ll be ready to give big manifestations a go.
Setting your intention
for every day, little manifestations
Using the power of intention is a simple practice that can be incorporated into your everyday life. The real trick to setting an intention is seeing it through. You must not let negative thinking hold you back. Easier said than done right? That is why crystal work can be an excellent support tool for self work.
Choose a crystal you feel drawn to, set your intention by speaking to the crystal. Just hold your precious gemstone and whisper your wish. Carry your crystal with you so it can be a constant reminder of your mission statement.
Moon Cycle Manifestation
for big manifestation
You can use the moon’s cycle to support your big manifestations. You need to start on the new moon and everyday of the 28 day moon cycle set your intention on a specific wish.
On the night of the new moon you place your crystals in a prominent place in your home, maybe somewhere in the moonlight like a windowsill. Every night until the full moon repeat your intention and see what magic manifests!
Learn more about crystal healing and manifesting on Instagram, Facebook and now Tik Tok.
Chakra healing meaning: The word chakra is originally Sanskrit, meaning 'wheel' or 'turning'. It refers to our main energy centres and how they affect our physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing. Each chakra has its own colour, element and purpose.
Your body is an energy system, and each part has its own function. While your heart keeps the blood flowing and your lungs keep you breathing, your energy system keeps your whole body working properly.
Your chakras need energy to flow through them in order to keep your spiritual body healthy. Imbalances in your energy system can cause psychological and physical symptoms, so it's important to keep your chakras in balance.
One of the ways you can heal your chakra system is through crystal realignment. You simply lay down and place a crystal of the corresponding colour on the chakra point, then sit back and relax as your energy blends with the healing frequency of the crystal.
A crystal's healing properties work on a spiritual level. They help clear your mind and restore your energy. Check out the chart below that illustrates the colour associations with each chakra point, plus examples of crystals that work well for alignments.
*You may be aware of the major seven chakras, the main energy centres of the body in the Indian and Buddhist traditions. But in fact, there are over a hundred chakra points, and at MCC we focus on ten.

This is an excerpt from our blog!
Read about all ten chakras here
How to cleanse your crystals:
1. Smoke cleanse
This is a very popular way to cleanse your crystals. The purifying smoke removes any energetic residue. You should always cleanse your crystals before you charge them.
Some crystal healing enthusiasts use candles or herb bundles. You can also use a bowl of mixed resins and herbs. Sage, rosemary and myrrh make a beautiful blend. Many shamanic healers use sage or palo Santo sticks. You should move the smoke around in a clockwise direction to cleanse the stone.
Sound healing is a great way to uplift your crystals' energy. It is believed that crystals align very well with the frequency of the sound. A lot of spiritual practitioners use a traditional singing bowl, but you can also download healing frequency sounds from Youtube. My favourite healing frequency is 432 hz, the universal frequency of harmony and peace.
How to charge your crystals under the full moon
The full moon marks the peak of the moon’s illumination, and this powerful moonlight is considered to be full of high vibrational energy that will charge your crystals up to their full healing capacity.
Traditionally, it is recommended to cleanse your crystals and leave them in the direct moonlight all night long. If you have a specific crystal healing purpose for any of your stones, you can prepare them by setting an intention.
This excerpt is is from our blog:
Smokey Quartz Point - 30% off
Regular price £20.00 Sale price £14.00 Save 30%A smokey quartz point is an essential crystal for any type of spiritual practitioner or crystal collector. Smokey quartz points reveal the reality in any situation, allowing you to see the truth in others but also confront deeper truths within yourself. This stone has been used for centuries by crystal witches for deep energy healing.
Meditation with a smokey quartz point can rid your mind of stressful energy and situations. It is believed smokey quartz can transform negative energy into positive high vibes! Try holding a smokey quartz point during a walking meditation.
Crystal Healing Tips
➵ Chakra Healing
Smokey quartz supports the earth star chakra. This smokey quartz point is a very fast-working crystal that should be kept on your person when you want to release negative thinking, people, and situations from your life. Sleep next to your smokey quartz point every night to repair your energy field from everyday stress.
➵ How to manifest
Are you ready to kiss negativity goodbye? A smokey quartz point can help you get the job done. Set up a special spot in your home, sit comfortably and close your eyes. Place your hand over your smokey quartz point and say out loud, "Let go of all that no longer serves me."
Repeat this until you can truly feel it resonating within you - then will you be ready to make this powerful change.
➵ How to use your crystal
One of the best crystals to keep on hand during the evening, a smokey quartz point is an excellent healer. We also recommend keeping a smokey quartz point next to your bed if you want to let go of any self-limiting beliefs or patterns. This crystal is highly supportive when practising self-care, for example, a smokey quartz point is a great crystal to use in a moon bath ritual. Smokey quartz points are perfect for any room in your home, as well as offices, meeting places or therapy rooms.
Crystal healing enthusiasts would say everyone needs a smokey quartz point to keep you feeling stress-free and high energy. If someone is feeling down a smokey quartz point is an excellent gift to lift their mood.
Perfect for:
☾ Crystal witches
☾ Crystal gift
☾ Chakra Healing
Large - 90g and 70 x 50 mm
Small - 40g and 50 x 20 mm
Manifestation is when you attract something into existence through the power of your mind. The trick to manifestation is simple, you just need to truly believe that you deserve to have your most amazing dreams come true.
Being an expert manifestor is, for some people, a process. Begin your manifestation journey by focusing on the small wins, like a convenient parking spot or a seat on a busy train. Once you start seeing evidence of some smaller wishes come true, you’ll be ready to give big manifestations a go.
Setting your intention
for every day, little manifestations
Using the power of intention is a simple practice that can be incorporated into your everyday life. The real trick to setting an intention is seeing it through. You must not let negative thinking hold you back. Easier said than done right? That is why crystal work can be an excellent support tool for self work.
Choose a crystal you feel drawn to, set your intention by speaking to the crystal. Just hold your precious gemstone and whisper your wish. Carry your crystal with you so it can be a constant reminder of your mission statement.
Moon Cycle Manifestation
for big manifestation
You can use the moon’s cycle to support your big manifestations. You need to start on the new moon and everyday of the 28 day moon cycle set your intention on a specific wish.
On the night of the new moon you place your crystals in a prominent place in your home, maybe somewhere in the moonlight like a windowsill. Every night until the full moon repeat your intention and see what magic manifests!
Learn more about crystal healing and manifesting on Instagram, Facebook and now Tik Tok.
Chakra healing meaning: The word chakra is originally Sanskrit, meaning 'wheel' or 'turning'. It refers to our main energy centres and how they affect our physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing. Each chakra has its own colour, element and purpose.
Your body is an energy system, and each part has its own function. While your heart keeps the blood flowing and your lungs keep you breathing, your energy system keeps your whole body working properly.
Your chakras need energy to flow through them in order to keep your spiritual body healthy. Imbalances in your energy system can cause psychological and physical symptoms, so it's important to keep your chakras in balance.
One of the ways you can heal your chakra system is through crystal realignment. You simply lay down and place a crystal of the corresponding colour on the chakra point, then sit back and relax as your energy blends with the healing frequency of the crystal.
A crystal's healing properties work on a spiritual level. They help clear your mind and restore your energy. Check out the chart below that illustrates the colour associations with each chakra point, plus examples of crystals that work well for alignments.
*You may be aware of the major seven chakras, the main energy centres of the body in the Indian and Buddhist traditions. But in fact, there are over a hundred chakra points, and at MCC we focus on ten.

This is an excerpt from our blog!
Read about all ten chakras here
How to cleanse your crystals:
1. Smoke cleanse
This is a very popular way to cleanse your crystals. The purifying smoke removes any energetic residue. You should always cleanse your crystals before you charge them.
Some crystal healing enthusiasts use candles or herb bundles. You can also use a bowl of mixed resins and herbs. Sage, rosemary and myrrh make a beautiful blend. Many shamanic healers use sage or palo Santo sticks. You should move the smoke around in a clockwise direction to cleanse the stone.
Sound healing is a great way to uplift your crystals' energy. It is believed that crystals align very well with the frequency of the sound. A lot of spiritual practitioners use a traditional singing bowl, but you can also download healing frequency sounds from Youtube. My favourite healing frequency is 432 hz, the universal frequency of harmony and peace.
How to charge your crystals under the full moon
The full moon marks the peak of the moon’s illumination, and this powerful moonlight is considered to be full of high vibrational energy that will charge your crystals up to their full healing capacity.
Traditionally, it is recommended to cleanse your crystals and leave them in the direct moonlight all night long. If you have a specific crystal healing purpose for any of your stones, you can prepare them by setting an intention.
This excerpt is is from our blog:
Picasso Stone - 30% off
Regular price £8.00 Sale price £5.60 Save 30%Life is not about being perfect. It's about finding beauty in imperfection. This Picasso "worry" stone represents this idea perfectly. Its chaotic pattern reminds us that life is not about having everything together. Instead, it's about embracing the good and bad together.
Picasso Stones emit gentle and calming energy into the atmosphere that can be very relaxing. Picasso stone is considered particularly beneficial to help you unwind after a hard day, therefore we would recommend holding this crystal when you are relaxing at the end of the day.
You can use Picasso stone to let go of negative thought patterns that haunt you. When intending to release unwanted attachments, keep your Picasso worry stone with you during the day, preferably next to your skin and sleep with it near you at night.
Crystal Healing tips
➵ Chakra Healing
Sleeping next to Picasso stone will energetically align you for the next day. Picasso stones emit a gentle, calming energy, so you can sleep next to this crystal every night for an energetic tune-up.
➵ How to Manifest:
When you feel overly stressed by life hold your Picasso stone, and repeat: “My thoughts are positive and uplifting!”
Repeat this affirmation until you feel calm. You can also sleep with a Picasso stone under your pillow to reduce anxiety whilst you sleep.
➵ How to use your crystal
Picasso stone supports you in a meditative state. Holding your Picasso stone while meditating just 10 minutes a day can help clear your mind, relieve stress and make you feel more at peace with the world around you.
Perfect for:
☾ Yogis
☾ Self-work
☾ Meditation
Build your crystal collection:
Our ethically sourced crystals are charged under the full moon
The crystal in the pictures is an example
Approximate weight and size: Small - 20g and 35 mm
Med - 25g and 40 mm
Large - 30g and 50 mm
Manifestation is when you attract something into existence through the power of your mind. The trick to manifestation is simple, you just need to truly believe that you deserve to have your most amazing dreams come true.
Being an expert manifestor is, for some people, a process. Begin your manifestation journey by focusing on the small wins, like a convenient parking spot or a seat on a busy train. Once you start seeing evidence of some smaller wishes come true, you’ll be ready to give big manifestations a go.
Setting your intention
for every day, little manifestations
Using the power of intention is a simple practice that can be incorporated into your everyday life. The real trick to setting an intention is seeing it through. You must not let negative thinking hold you back. Easier said than done right? That is why crystal work can be an excellent support tool for self work.
Choose a crystal you feel drawn to, set your intention by speaking to the crystal. Just hold your precious gemstone and whisper your wish. Carry your crystal with you so it can be a constant reminder of your mission statement.
Moon Cycle Manifestation
for big manifestation
You can use the moon’s cycle to support your big manifestations. You need to start on the new moon and everyday of the 28 day moon cycle set your intention on a specific wish.
On the night of the new moon you place your crystals in a prominent place in your home, maybe somewhere in the moonlight like a windowsill. Every night until the full moon repeat your intention and see what magic manifests!
Learn more about crystal healing and manifesting on Instagram, Facebook and now Tik Tok.
Chakra healing meaning: The word chakra is originally Sanskrit, meaning 'wheel' or 'turning'. It refers to our main energy centres and how they affect our physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing. Each chakra has its own colour, element and purpose.
Your body is an energy system, and each part has its own function. While your heart keeps the blood flowing and your lungs keep you breathing, your energy system keeps your whole body working properly.
Your chakras need energy to flow through them in order to keep your spiritual body healthy. Imbalances in your energy system can cause psychological and physical symptoms, so it's important to keep your chakras in balance.
One of the ways you can heal your chakra system is through crystal realignment. You simply lay down and place a crystal of the corresponding colour on the chakra point, then sit back and relax as your energy blends with the healing frequency of the crystal.
A crystal's healing properties work on a spiritual level. They help clear your mind and restore your energy. Check out the chart below that illustrates the colour associations with each chakra point, plus examples of crystals that work well for alignments.
*You may be aware of the major seven chakras, the main energy centres of the body in the Indian and Buddhist traditions. But in fact, there are over a hundred chakra points, and at MCC we focus on ten.

This is an excerpt from our blog!
Read about all ten chakras here
How to cleanse your crystals:
1. Smoke cleanse
This is a very popular way to cleanse your crystals. The purifying smoke removes any energetic residue. You should always cleanse your crystals before you charge them.
Some crystal healing enthusiasts use candles or herb bundles. You can also use a bowl of mixed resins and herbs. Sage, rosemary and myrrh make a beautiful blend. Many shamanic healers use sage or palo Santo sticks. You should move the smoke around in a clockwise direction to cleanse the stone.
Sound healing is a great way to uplift your crystals' energy. It is believed that crystals align very well with the frequency of the sound. A lot of spiritual practitioners use a traditional singing bowl, but you can also download healing frequency sounds from Youtube. My favourite healing frequency is 432 hz, the universal frequency of harmony and peace.
How to charge your crystals under the full moon
The full moon marks the peak of the moon’s illumination, and this powerful moonlight is considered to be full of high vibrational energy that will charge your crystals up to their full healing capacity.
Traditionally, it is recommended to cleanse your crystals and leave them in the direct moonlight all night long. If you have a specific crystal healing purpose for any of your stones, you can prepare them by setting an intention.
This excerpt is is from our blog:
Quartz Geode - 30% off
Regular price £7.00 Sale price £4.90 Save 30%A quartz geode is an absolute must-have in any crystal collection! Quartz geodes are renowned for their high-vibe energy and its ability to restore and regulate energy. With its impressive high vibration, it has become especially popular among crystal healing enthusiasts, as it can even amplify the energy of any other crystals in its vicinity.
Crystal Healing Tips
➵ Chakra Healing
Experience true healing of your entire chakra system with a quartz geode! Take a twenty-minute break and sit comfortably with a quartz geode in front of you. As you relax and let the powerful energy of this quartz geode heal your mind, body and soul!
➵ How to manifest
Let this crystal help you manifest your dreams! A quartz geode is an incredible master healer, able to clear any blockages in your energy. Not only will clear quartz helps you clear your mind and renew negative outlooks, but it'll also inspire enlightenment. By linking all of your chakras, quartz attracts incredibly positive energy! Take a piece of quartz in your hand and say "I believe in my dreams, my potential, and everything I am!"
➵ How to use your crystal
Feel invigorated and uplifted with the help of quartz crystal! Place your quartz geode in common living areas, offices, or workout spots. Although it’s generally advised not to have too much quartz in the bedroom. An exception is if you need an extra push to get out of bed in the morning - in that case just put a piece of quartz on the windowsill! As soon as the morning sun hits the quartz, it'll fill the room with powerful, energizing vibes.
Moon Charged tip:
ever heard of the term, "crystal clear?" This stems from clear quartz and its ability to promote clarity of thought and mental focus!
A quartz geode is piezoelectric, meaning it can carry an electrical charge. Quartz is used in electronics such as mobile phones, laptops and televisions. What makes clear quartz even more intriguing is that it is made from silicon dioxide, humans have this element in our bodies, which strengthens the link between quartz and its ability to be programmed by thought, essential for manifesting intention.
Use this quartz geode when doing any intention work, as this crystal works like a megaphone to the universe, amplifying your wishes.
Perfect for:
☾ Intention work
☾ Crystal grids
☾ Energy healers
Build your crystal collection:
★ Our ethically sourced crystals are charged under the full moon
★ The quartz geode in the pictures is an example:
approximate weight and size:
L - Approx weight 70g and size 50 x 40 mm
S - Approx weight 35g and size 30 x 30 mm
Manifestation is when you attract something into existence through the power of your mind. The trick to manifestation is simple, you just need to truly believe that you deserve to have your most amazing dreams come true.
Being an expert manifestor is, for some people, a process. Begin your manifestation journey by focusing on the small wins, like a convenient parking spot or a seat on a busy train. Once you start seeing evidence of some smaller wishes come true, you’ll be ready to give big manifestations a go.
Setting your intention
for every day, little manifestations
Using the power of intention is a simple practice that can be incorporated into your everyday life. The real trick to setting an intention is seeing it through. You must not let negative thinking hold you back. Easier said than done right? That is why crystal work can be an excellent support tool for self work.
Choose a crystal you feel drawn to, set your intention by speaking to the crystal. Just hold your precious gemstone and whisper your wish. Carry your crystal with you so it can be a constant reminder of your mission statement.
Moon Cycle Manifestation
for big manifestation
You can use the moon’s cycle to support your big manifestations. You need to start on the new moon and everyday of the 28 day moon cycle set your intention on a specific wish.
On the night of the new moon you place your crystals in a prominent place in your home, maybe somewhere in the moonlight like a windowsill. Every night until the full moon repeat your intention and see what magic manifests!
Learn more about crystal healing and manifesting on Instagram, Facebook and now Tik Tok.
Chakra healing meaning: The word chakra is originally Sanskrit, meaning 'wheel' or 'turning'. It refers to our main energy centres and how they affect our physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing. Each chakra has its own colour, element and purpose.
Your body is an energy system, and each part has its own function. While your heart keeps the blood flowing and your lungs keep you breathing, your energy system keeps your whole body working properly.
Your chakras need energy to flow through them in order to keep your spiritual body healthy. Imbalances in your energy system can cause psychological and physical symptoms, so it's important to keep your chakras in balance.
One of the ways you can heal your chakra system is through crystal realignment. You simply lay down and place a crystal of the corresponding colour on the chakra point, then sit back and relax as your energy blends with the healing frequency of the crystal.
A crystal's healing properties work on a spiritual level. They help clear your mind and restore your energy. Check out the chart below that illustrates the colour associations with each chakra point, plus examples of crystals that work well for alignments.
*You may be aware of the major seven chakras, the main energy centres of the body in the Indian and Buddhist traditions. But in fact, there are over a hundred chakra points, and at MCC we focus on ten.

This is an excerpt from our blog!
Read about all ten chakras here
How to cleanse your crystals:
1. Smoke cleanse
This is a very popular way to cleanse your crystals. The purifying smoke removes any energetic residue. You should always cleanse your crystals before you charge them.
Some crystal healing enthusiasts use candles or herb bundles. You can also use a bowl of mixed resins and herbs. Sage, rosemary and myrrh make a beautiful blend. Many shamanic healers use sage or palo Santo sticks. You should move the smoke around in a clockwise direction to cleanse the stone.
Sound healing is a great way to uplift your crystals' energy. It is believed that crystals align very well with the frequency of the sound. A lot of spiritual practitioners use a traditional singing bowl, but you can also download healing frequency sounds from Youtube. My favourite healing frequency is 432 hz, the universal frequency of harmony and peace.
How to charge your crystals under the full moon
The full moon marks the peak of the moon’s illumination, and this powerful moonlight is considered to be full of high vibrational energy that will charge your crystals up to their full healing capacity.
Traditionally, it is recommended to cleanse your crystals and leave them in the direct moonlight all night long. If you have a specific crystal healing purpose for any of your stones, you can prepare them by setting an intention.
This excerpt is is from our blog:
Tigers Eye - 30% off
Regular price £10.00 Sale price £7.00 Save 30%Tigers eye has been used for thousands of years to alleviate the monkey mind - you know, when you feel overwhelmed by repetitive thought cycles that become everyday anxiety?
Meditation with tigers eye can be very grounding. This supportive energy of this crystal helps you feel more than just calm, you should notice a major shift in your mindset. Tigers eye heals your lower chakras by promoting self-confidence, which is the best remedy for our own insecurities.
Crystal Healing Tips
➵ Chakra Healing
This crystal supports the root, sacral and solar plexus chakra due to the beautiful hues of yellow, brown and red found in this crystal. Tigers eye is a very empowering crystal just lie down for twenty minutes with this crystal on your stomach. Advanced crystal healing practitioners also like to hold two pieces of tigers eye in their hands to create a triangle of power.
➵ How to manifest
Tigers eye is a great crystal to use when you have healed from a relationship breakdown and you are ready to move on. Known as the ‘goodbye crystal’ this crystal will help you move on from relationships that no longer serve you. Hold this crystal in your dominant hand (the hand you write with) and repeat this simple manifestation spell: “I let go so I can let myself grow!”
➵ How to use your crystal
Tigers eye is a really beautiful crystal that can be displayed anywhere in the home or workplace. When you feel uninspired and tired hold a piece of tigers eye until you feel more energised. Keep a tigers eye crystal in your office or study space to keep the ambience quiet and focused.
Perfect for:
☾ Therapy rooms
☾ Workspaces
☾ Chakra healing
Build your crystal collection:
★ Our ethically sourced crystals are charged under the full moon
★ The crystal in the pictures is an example:
approximate weight and size:
60g and 50 x 40mm
Manifestation is when you attract something into existence through the power of your mind. The trick to manifestation is simple, you just need to truly believe that you deserve to have your most amazing dreams come true.
Being an expert manifestor is, for some people, a process. Begin your manifestation journey by focusing on the small wins, like a convenient parking spot or a seat on a busy train. Once you start seeing evidence of some smaller wishes come true, you’ll be ready to give big manifestations a go.
Setting your intention
for every day, little manifestations
Using the power of intention is a simple practice that can be incorporated into your everyday life. The real trick to setting an intention is seeing it through. You must not let negative thinking hold you back. Easier said than done right? That is why crystal work can be an excellent support tool for self work.
Choose a crystal you feel drawn to, set your intention by speaking to the crystal. Just hold your precious gemstone and whisper your wish. Carry your crystal with you so it can be a constant reminder of your mission statement.
Moon Cycle Manifestation
for big manifestation
You can use the moon’s cycle to support your big manifestations. You need to start on the new moon and everyday of the 28 day moon cycle set your intention on a specific wish.
On the night of the new moon you place your crystals in a prominent place in your home, maybe somewhere in the moonlight like a windowsill. Every night until the full moon repeat your intention and see what magic manifests!
Learn more about crystal healing and manifesting on Instagram, Facebook and now Tik Tok.
Chakra healing meaning: The word chakra is originally Sanskrit, meaning 'wheel' or 'turning'. It refers to our main energy centres and how they affect our physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing. Each chakra has its own colour, element and purpose.
Your body is an energy system, and each part has its own function. While your heart keeps the blood flowing and your lungs keep you breathing, your energy system keeps your whole body working properly.
Your chakras need energy to flow through them in order to keep your spiritual body healthy. Imbalances in your energy system can cause psychological and physical symptoms, so it's important to keep your chakras in balance.
One of the ways you can heal your chakra system is through crystal realignment. You simply lay down and place a crystal of the corresponding colour on the chakra point, then sit back and relax as your energy blends with the healing frequency of the crystal.
A crystal's healing properties work on a spiritual level. They help clear your mind and restore your energy. Check out the chart below that illustrates the colour associations with each chakra point, plus examples of crystals that work well for alignments.
*You may be aware of the major seven chakras, the main energy centres of the body in the Indian and Buddhist traditions. But in fact, there are over a hundred chakra points, and at MCC we focus on ten.

This is an excerpt from our blog!
Read about all ten chakras here
How to cleanse your crystals:
1. Smoke cleanse
This is a very popular way to cleanse your crystals. The purifying smoke removes any energetic residue. You should always cleanse your crystals before you charge them.
Some crystal healing enthusiasts use candles or herb bundles. You can also use a bowl of mixed resins and herbs. Sage, rosemary and myrrh make a beautiful blend. Many shamanic healers use sage or palo Santo sticks. You should move the smoke around in a clockwise direction to cleanse the stone.
Sound healing is a great way to uplift your crystals' energy. It is believed that crystals align very well with the frequency of the sound. A lot of spiritual practitioners use a traditional singing bowl, but you can also download healing frequency sounds from Youtube. My favourite healing frequency is 432 hz, the universal frequency of harmony and peace.
How to charge your crystals under the full moon
The full moon marks the peak of the moon’s illumination, and this powerful moonlight is considered to be full of high vibrational energy that will charge your crystals up to their full healing capacity.
Traditionally, it is recommended to cleanse your crystals and leave them in the direct moonlight all night long. If you have a specific crystal healing purpose for any of your stones, you can prepare them by setting an intention.
This excerpt is is from our blog:
Selenite Dish - 30% off
Regular price £50.00 Sale price £35.00 Save 30%What better way to hold your precious trinkets than with a selenite dish full of high-vibe energy?
How to use your large selenite for full moon charging:
This selenite dish is a beautiful crystal to display in your home, but it is also multi-functional. Did you know that selenite holds the power of the moon better than any other crystal? So when you charge your crystals under the full moon you can place them on your selenite dish for extra energetic power.
How to use your large selenite for crystal healing:
Selenite strengthens your psychic abilities and helps you uncover mysteries within yourself. When you need to find clarity on a situation, try filling your selenite dish with your favourite crystals. Sleep next to your selenite dish for a full moon cycle to help you gain a deep understanding of your problem. On the night of the new moon chose a crystal and place it in your large selenite bowl to be charged. Crystals that work well with this selenite dish are smokey quartz, celestite and labradorite.
If you have a burning question and need guidance from the universe place your crystals in your selenite dish and before you go to sleep whisper this simple intention spell: "What is the truth, and what is the solution.”
When you wake up grab a notepad and write down anything you can remember from your dream: people, symbols.. anything even if it seems irrelevant. Throughout the day return to your notes and see what you can intuitively decode.
It is important to carry on this ritual with your selenite dish for a full moon cycle as there may be a lot of information to uncover.
Large - 150 x 40 (tall) mm ~ 650gHow to use your selenite dish for moon cycle crystal work:
Our ethically sourced crystals are charged under the full moon
The selenite dish in the pictures is an example:
Approximate weight and size:
Manifestation is when you attract something into existence through the power of your mind. The trick to manifestation is simple, you just need to truly believe that you deserve to have your most amazing dreams come true.
Being an expert manifestor is, for some people, a process. Begin your manifestation journey by focusing on the small wins, like a convenient parking spot or a seat on a busy train. Once you start seeing evidence of some smaller wishes come true, you’ll be ready to give big manifestations a go.
Setting your intention
for every day, little manifestations
Using the power of intention is a simple practice that can be incorporated into your everyday life. The real trick to setting an intention is seeing it through. You must not let negative thinking hold you back. Easier said than done right? That is why crystal work can be an excellent support tool for self work.
Choose a crystal you feel drawn to, set your intention by speaking to the crystal. Just hold your precious gemstone and whisper your wish. Carry your crystal with you so it can be a constant reminder of your mission statement.
Moon Cycle Manifestation
for big manifestation
You can use the moon’s cycle to support your big manifestations. You need to start on the new moon and everyday of the 28 day moon cycle set your intention on a specific wish.
On the night of the new moon you place your crystals in a prominent place in your home, maybe somewhere in the moonlight like a windowsill. Every night until the full moon repeat your intention and see what magic manifests!
Learn more about crystal healing and manifesting on Instagram, Facebook and now Tik Tok.
Chakra healing meaning: The word chakra is originally Sanskrit, meaning 'wheel' or 'turning'. It refers to our main energy centres and how they affect our physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing. Each chakra has its own colour, element and purpose.
Your body is an energy system, and each part has its own function. While your heart keeps the blood flowing and your lungs keep you breathing, your energy system keeps your whole body working properly.
Your chakras need energy to flow through them in order to keep your spiritual body healthy. Imbalances in your energy system can cause psychological and physical symptoms, so it's important to keep your chakras in balance.
One of the ways you can heal your chakra system is through crystal realignment. You simply lay down and place a crystal of the corresponding colour on the chakra point, then sit back and relax as your energy blends with the healing frequency of the crystal.
A crystal's healing properties work on a spiritual level. They help clear your mind and restore your energy. Check out the chart below that illustrates the colour associations with each chakra point, plus examples of crystals that work well for alignments.
*You may be aware of the major seven chakras, the main energy centres of the body in the Indian and Buddhist traditions. But in fact, there are over a hundred chakra points, and at MCC we focus on ten.

This is an excerpt from our blog!
Read about all ten chakras here
How to cleanse your crystals:
1. Smoke cleanse
This is a very popular way to cleanse your crystals. The purifying smoke removes any energetic residue. You should always cleanse your crystals before you charge them.
Some crystal healing enthusiasts use candles or herb bundles. You can also use a bowl of mixed resins and herbs. Sage, rosemary and myrrh make a beautiful blend. Many shamanic healers use sage or palo Santo sticks. You should move the smoke around in a clockwise direction to cleanse the stone.
Sound healing is a great way to uplift your crystals' energy. It is believed that crystals align very well with the frequency of the sound. A lot of spiritual practitioners use a traditional singing bowl, but you can also download healing frequency sounds from Youtube. My favourite healing frequency is 432 hz, the universal frequency of harmony and peace.
How to charge your crystals under the full moon
The full moon marks the peak of the moon’s illumination, and this powerful moonlight is considered to be full of high vibrational energy that will charge your crystals up to their full healing capacity.
Traditionally, it is recommended to cleanse your crystals and leave them in the direct moonlight all night long. If you have a specific crystal healing purpose for any of your stones, you can prepare them by setting an intention.
This excerpt is is from our blog:
Tourmalinated Quartz - 30% off
Regular price £8.00 Sale price £5.60 Save 30%Tourmalinated quartz can help reduce anxiety and bring back hope in your future. Keep this crystal close for its powerful calming vibes!
Crystal Healing Tips
➵ Chakra Healing
This powerful crystal connects to both your higher and lower chakras. Sleep near tourmalinated quartz every night to heal your energy field and reduce daily stress.
➵ How to manifest
This is a beautiful crystal to heal emotional wounds from the past. Hold a piece of tourmalinated quartz and repeat this simple intention spell: “I let go so I can let myself grow!”
Once you have released what no longer serves you and feel better this mystical crystal will attract new experiences into your life. Quartz and tourmaline work in unison, remove negativity and replace it with positivity.
➵ How to use your crystal
Tourmalinated quartz can be displayed anywhere in your home or working spaces. If you wish to heal your chakra system whilst you sleep keep a piece of tourmalinated quartz next to your bed.
Tourmalinated quartz is known to clear your aura of unnecessary drama and anxiety. This crystal allows you to reach a new enlightened perspective whilst staying grounded in reality.
Perfect for:
☾ Crystal grids
☾ Chakra healing
☾ Crystal collections
Build your crystal collection:
★ Our ethically sourced crystals are charged under the full moon
★ The crystal in the pictures is an example:
approximate weight and size:
30g and 40 x 20 x 10 mm
Manifestation is when you attract something into existence through the power of your mind. The trick to manifestation is simple, you just need to truly believe that you deserve to have your most amazing dreams come true.
Being an expert manifestor is, for some people, a process. Begin your manifestation journey by focusing on the small wins, like a convenient parking spot or a seat on a busy train. Once you start seeing evidence of some smaller wishes come true, you’ll be ready to give big manifestations a go.
Setting your intention
for every day, little manifestations
Using the power of intention is a simple practice that can be incorporated into your everyday life. The real trick to setting an intention is seeing it through. You must not let negative thinking hold you back. Easier said than done right? That is why crystal work can be an excellent support tool for self work.
Choose a crystal you feel drawn to, set your intention by speaking to the crystal. Just hold your precious gemstone and whisper your wish. Carry your crystal with you so it can be a constant reminder of your mission statement.
Moon Cycle Manifestation
for big manifestation
You can use the moon’s cycle to support your big manifestations. You need to start on the new moon and everyday of the 28 day moon cycle set your intention on a specific wish.
On the night of the new moon you place your crystals in a prominent place in your home, maybe somewhere in the moonlight like a windowsill. Every night until the full moon repeat your intention and see what magic manifests!
Learn more about crystal healing and manifesting on Instagram, Facebook and now Tik Tok.
Chakra healing meaning: The word chakra is originally Sanskrit, meaning 'wheel' or 'turning'. It refers to our main energy centres and how they affect our physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing. Each chakra has its own colour, element and purpose.
Your body is an energy system, and each part has its own function. While your heart keeps the blood flowing and your lungs keep you breathing, your energy system keeps your whole body working properly.
Your chakras need energy to flow through them in order to keep your spiritual body healthy. Imbalances in your energy system can cause psychological and physical symptoms, so it's important to keep your chakras in balance.
One of the ways you can heal your chakra system is through crystal realignment. You simply lay down and place a crystal of the corresponding colour on the chakra point, then sit back and relax as your energy blends with the healing frequency of the crystal.
A crystal's healing properties work on a spiritual level. They help clear your mind and restore your energy. Check out the chart below that illustrates the colour associations with each chakra point, plus examples of crystals that work well for alignments.
*You may be aware of the major seven chakras, the main energy centres of the body in the Indian and Buddhist traditions. But in fact, there are over a hundred chakra points, and at MCC we focus on ten.

This is an excerpt from our blog!
Read about all ten chakras here
How to cleanse your crystals:
1. Smoke cleanse
This is a very popular way to cleanse your crystals. The purifying smoke removes any energetic residue. You should always cleanse your crystals before you charge them.
Some crystal healing enthusiasts use candles or herb bundles. You can also use a bowl of mixed resins and herbs. Sage, rosemary and myrrh make a beautiful blend. Many shamanic healers use sage or palo Santo sticks. You should move the smoke around in a clockwise direction to cleanse the stone.
Sound healing is a great way to uplift your crystals' energy. It is believed that crystals align very well with the frequency of the sound. A lot of spiritual practitioners use a traditional singing bowl, but you can also download healing frequency sounds from Youtube. My favourite healing frequency is 432 hz, the universal frequency of harmony and peace.
How to charge your crystals under the full moon
The full moon marks the peak of the moon’s illumination, and this powerful moonlight is considered to be full of high vibrational energy that will charge your crystals up to their full healing capacity.
Traditionally, it is recommended to cleanse your crystals and leave them in the direct moonlight all night long. If you have a specific crystal healing purpose for any of your stones, you can prepare them by setting an intention.
This excerpt is is from our blog:
Thulite Stacking Stones - 30% off
Regular price £58.00 Sale price £40.60 Save 30%Incororapte mindfulness into your daily life with thulite stacking stones.
How to use your Thulite Stacking Stones:
Included are four pieces of thulite. Create a sacred space and take some quiet time out of your busy day to get grounded and stack your thulite pieces.
Everyday life can sometimes be nerve-wracking. When using these thulite stacking stones you can ease heavy emotions and feel more confident. Self-work is never easy, but implementing a few crystal healing techniques can really help you transform your life!
☾ Therapy rooms
☾ Mindfulness
Our crystals are ethically sourced, handpicked and charged under the full moon
This crystal is a one-off piece and sold as seen:
4 pieces, 1.5kg ~ 150 mm tall Want a better look at this crystal?
Contact us and we can video call or send you a video of this crystal.
All our crystals have been charged by the moon's energy and programmed with intention ... Our Moon Charged Formula
Manifestation is when you attract something into existence through the power of your mind. The trick to manifestation is simple, you just need to truly believe that you deserve to have your most amazing dreams come true.
Being an expert manifestor is, for some people, a process. Begin your manifestation journey by focusing on the small wins, like a convenient parking spot or a seat on a busy train. Once you start seeing evidence of some smaller wishes come true, you’ll be ready to give big manifestations a go.
Setting your intention
for every day, little manifestations
Using the power of intention is a simple practice that can be incorporated into your everyday life. The real trick to setting an intention is seeing it through. You must not let negative thinking hold you back. Easier said than done right? That is why crystal work can be an excellent support tool for self work.
Choose a crystal you feel drawn to, set your intention by speaking to the crystal. Just hold your precious gemstone and whisper your wish. Carry your crystal with you so it can be a constant reminder of your mission statement.
Moon Cycle Manifestation
for big manifestation
You can use the moon’s cycle to support your big manifestations. You need to start on the new moon and everyday of the 28 day moon cycle set your intention on a specific wish.
On the night of the new moon you place your crystals in a prominent place in your home, maybe somewhere in the moonlight like a windowsill. Every night until the full moon repeat your intention and see what magic manifests!
Learn more about crystal healing and manifesting on Instagram, Facebook and now Tik Tok.
Chakra healing meaning: The word chakra is originally Sanskrit, meaning 'wheel' or 'turning'. It refers to our main energy centres and how they affect our physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing. Each chakra has its own colour, element and purpose.
Your body is an energy system, and each part has its own function. While your heart keeps the blood flowing and your lungs keep you breathing, your energy system keeps your whole body working properly.
Your chakras need energy to flow through them in order to keep your spiritual body healthy. Imbalances in your energy system can cause psychological and physical symptoms, so it's important to keep your chakras in balance.
One of the ways you can heal your chakra system is through crystal realignment. You simply lay down and place a crystal of the corresponding colour on the chakra point, then sit back and relax as your energy blends with the healing frequency of the crystal.
A crystal's healing properties work on a spiritual level. They help clear your mind and restore your energy. Check out the chart below that illustrates the colour associations with each chakra point, plus examples of crystals that work well for alignments.
*You may be aware of the major seven chakras, the main energy centres of the body in the Indian and Buddhist traditions. But in fact, there are over a hundred chakra points, and at MCC we focus on ten.

This is an excerpt from our blog!
Read about all ten chakras here
How to cleanse your crystals:
1. Smoke cleanse
This is a very popular way to cleanse your crystals. The purifying smoke removes any energetic residue. You should always cleanse your crystals before you charge them.
Some crystal healing enthusiasts use candles or herb bundles. You can also use a bowl of mixed resins and herbs. Sage, rosemary and myrrh make a beautiful blend. Many shamanic healers use sage or palo Santo sticks. You should move the smoke around in a clockwise direction to cleanse the stone.
Sound healing is a great way to uplift your crystals' energy. It is believed that crystals align very well with the frequency of the sound. A lot of spiritual practitioners use a traditional singing bowl, but you can also download healing frequency sounds from Youtube. My favourite healing frequency is 432 hz, the universal frequency of harmony and peace.
How to charge your crystals under the full moon
The full moon marks the peak of the moon’s illumination, and this powerful moonlight is considered to be full of high vibrational energy that will charge your crystals up to their full healing capacity.
Traditionally, it is recommended to cleanse your crystals and leave them in the direct moonlight all night long. If you have a specific crystal healing purpose for any of your stones, you can prepare them by setting an intention.
This excerpt is is from our blog:
Obsidian Arrowhead - 30% off
Regular price £5.00 Sale price £3.50 Save 30%This obsidian arrowhead was ethically sourced and crafted into a beautiful crystal healing talisman. Obsidian has been used for thousands of years to make functional tools; as well as amulets for spiritual protection.
The symbol of the obsidian arrowhead has long been associated with protection whilst you travel, Obsidian is the perfect crystal to energetically support you whilst on the go. Jet black and smooth to the touch, this obsidian arrowhead looks like ancient glass.
Crystal Healing Tips
➵ Chakra Healing
Obsidian supports the root chakra and is known to absorb any lingering insecurities and fears. If you feel unsettled and anxious lie down for twenty minutes with your obsidian arrowhead over your root chakra, you should feel much better afterwards.
➵ How to manifest
Are you looking to manifest a trip? You can use this crystal healing technique to turn your obsidian arrowhead into a travel agent. On the night of the new moon, write down the destination you'd like to visit on a piece of paper. Place your obsidian arrowhead on top, and keep it with the paper for an entire moon cycle and see what transpires.
➵ How to use your crystal
Have you ever tried walking meditation? Hold your obsidian arrowhead tight and let it guide you on your journey. Make your way to an open space, keeping your focus on the obsidian arrowhead and wander freely with no plan in mind. For further reading try Peter Kingsley's book, A Story Waiting to Pierce You: Mongolia, Tibet and the Destiny of the Western World.
Perfect for:
☾ Talisman for travellers
☾ Jewellery
☾ Crystal grids
Build your crystal collection:
★ Our ethically sourced crystals are charged under the full moon
★ The obsidian arrowhead in the pictures is an example:
approximate weight and size:
4g and 40 x 20mm
Manifestation is when you attract something into existence through the power of your mind. The trick to manifestation is simple, you just need to truly believe that you deserve to have your most amazing dreams come true.
Being an expert manifestor is, for some people, a process. Begin your manifestation journey by focusing on the small wins, like a convenient parking spot or a seat on a busy train. Once you start seeing evidence of some smaller wishes come true, you’ll be ready to give big manifestations a go.
Setting your intention
for every day, little manifestations
Using the power of intention is a simple practice that can be incorporated into your everyday life. The real trick to setting an intention is seeing it through. You must not let negative thinking hold you back. Easier said than done right? That is why crystal work can be an excellent support tool for self work.
Choose a crystal you feel drawn to, set your intention by speaking to the crystal. Just hold your precious gemstone and whisper your wish. Carry your crystal with you so it can be a constant reminder of your mission statement.
Moon Cycle Manifestation
for big manifestation
You can use the moon’s cycle to support your big manifestations. You need to start on the new moon and everyday of the 28 day moon cycle set your intention on a specific wish.
On the night of the new moon you place your crystals in a prominent place in your home, maybe somewhere in the moonlight like a windowsill. Every night until the full moon repeat your intention and see what magic manifests!
Learn more about crystal healing and manifesting on Instagram, Facebook and now Tik Tok.
Chakra healing meaning: The word chakra is originally Sanskrit, meaning 'wheel' or 'turning'. It refers to our main energy centres and how they affect our physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing. Each chakra has its own colour, element and purpose.
Your body is an energy system, and each part has its own function. While your heart keeps the blood flowing and your lungs keep you breathing, your energy system keeps your whole body working properly.
Your chakras need energy to flow through them in order to keep your spiritual body healthy. Imbalances in your energy system can cause psychological and physical symptoms, so it's important to keep your chakras in balance.
One of the ways you can heal your chakra system is through crystal realignment. You simply lay down and place a crystal of the corresponding colour on the chakra point, then sit back and relax as your energy blends with the healing frequency of the crystal.
A crystal's healing properties work on a spiritual level. They help clear your mind and restore your energy. Check out the chart below that illustrates the colour associations with each chakra point, plus examples of crystals that work well for alignments.
*You may be aware of the major seven chakras, the main energy centres of the body in the Indian and Buddhist traditions. But in fact, there are over a hundred chakra points, and at MCC we focus on ten.

This is an excerpt from our blog!
Read about all ten chakras here
How to cleanse your crystals:
1. Smoke cleanse
This is a very popular way to cleanse your crystals. The purifying smoke removes any energetic residue. You should always cleanse your crystals before you charge them.
Some crystal healing enthusiasts use candles or herb bundles. You can also use a bowl of mixed resins and herbs. Sage, rosemary and myrrh make a beautiful blend. Many shamanic healers use sage or palo Santo sticks. You should move the smoke around in a clockwise direction to cleanse the stone.
Sound healing is a great way to uplift your crystals' energy. It is believed that crystals align very well with the frequency of the sound. A lot of spiritual practitioners use a traditional singing bowl, but you can also download healing frequency sounds from Youtube. My favourite healing frequency is 432 hz, the universal frequency of harmony and peace.
How to charge your crystals under the full moon
The full moon marks the peak of the moon’s illumination, and this powerful moonlight is considered to be full of high vibrational energy that will charge your crystals up to their full healing capacity.
Traditionally, it is recommended to cleanse your crystals and leave them in the direct moonlight all night long. If you have a specific crystal healing purpose for any of your stones, you can prepare them by setting an intention.
This excerpt is is from our blog:
Raw Labradorite - 30% off
Regular price £4.00 Sale price £2.80 Save 30%MCC Crystal Work tips
➵ Chakra Healing
Being multi coloured labradorite is a crystal that benefits all the chakra points. At MCC we believe that labradorite is extremely beneficial for your third eye chakra and can assist with psychic development.
➵ Manifest your dreams
Use labradorite to manifest the unexpected. When life feels a little boring and you want to invite some fresh opportunities use labradorite to invoke the Law of Attraction.
Remember.. like attracts like.. so be open anything and you will find opportunity comes knocking at your door. Use this simple intention spell for attracting the unexpected:
“I believe in my dreams, myself, and all that I am!”✨
➵ Best use for your crystal
Keep a piece of labradorite near any special divination tools like your pendulum, tarot cards or runes. Labradorite can cure imbalances in your root, heart and third eye chakra so sleep next to this amazingly healing crystal to keep yourself energetically tuned up.
More experienced practitioners can use this stone as an assistant with astral projection and lucid dreaming.
☾ connecting to your higher self
☾ psychic development
☾ clairvoyance
Build your crystal collection:
★ Ethically sourced crystals, charged under the full moon for extra energetic power
★ The crystal in the pictures is an example:
approximate weight and size:
20g and size 30 x 30mm
Manifestation is when you attract something into existence through the power of your mind. The trick to manifestation is simple, you just need to truly believe that you deserve to have your most amazing dreams come true.
Being an expert manifestor is, for some people, a process. Begin your manifestation journey by focusing on the small wins, like a convenient parking spot or a seat on a busy train. Once you start seeing evidence of some smaller wishes come true, you’ll be ready to give big manifestations a go.
Setting your intention
for every day, little manifestations
Using the power of intention is a simple practice that can be incorporated into your everyday life. The real trick to setting an intention is seeing it through. You must not let negative thinking hold you back. Easier said than done right? That is why crystal work can be an excellent support tool for self work.
Choose a crystal you feel drawn to, set your intention by speaking to the crystal. Just hold your precious gemstone and whisper your wish. Carry your crystal with you so it can be a constant reminder of your mission statement.
Moon Cycle Manifestation
for big manifestation
You can use the moon’s cycle to support your big manifestations. You need to start on the new moon and everyday of the 28 day moon cycle set your intention on a specific wish.
On the night of the new moon you place your crystals in a prominent place in your home, maybe somewhere in the moonlight like a windowsill. Every night until the full moon repeat your intention and see what magic manifests!
Learn more about crystal healing and manifesting on Instagram, Facebook and now Tik Tok.
Chakra healing meaning: The word chakra is originally Sanskrit, meaning 'wheel' or 'turning'. It refers to our main energy centres and how they affect our physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing. Each chakra has its own colour, element and purpose.
Your body is an energy system, and each part has its own function. While your heart keeps the blood flowing and your lungs keep you breathing, your energy system keeps your whole body working properly.
Your chakras need energy to flow through them in order to keep your spiritual body healthy. Imbalances in your energy system can cause psychological and physical symptoms, so it's important to keep your chakras in balance.
One of the ways you can heal your chakra system is through crystal realignment. You simply lay down and place a crystal of the corresponding colour on the chakra point, then sit back and relax as your energy blends with the healing frequency of the crystal.
A crystal's healing properties work on a spiritual level. They help clear your mind and restore your energy. Check out the chart below that illustrates the colour associations with each chakra point, plus examples of crystals that work well for alignments.
*You may be aware of the major seven chakras, the main energy centres of the body in the Indian and Buddhist traditions. But in fact, there are over a hundred chakra points, and at MCC we focus on ten.

This is an excerpt from our blog!
Read about all ten chakras here
How to cleanse your crystals:
1. Smoke cleanse
This is a very popular way to cleanse your crystals. The purifying smoke removes any energetic residue. You should always cleanse your crystals before you charge them.
Some crystal healing enthusiasts use candles or herb bundles. You can also use a bowl of mixed resins and herbs. Sage, rosemary and myrrh make a beautiful blend. Many shamanic healers use sage or palo Santo sticks. You should move the smoke around in a clockwise direction to cleanse the stone.
Sound healing is a great way to uplift your crystals' energy. It is believed that crystals align very well with the frequency of the sound. A lot of spiritual practitioners use a traditional singing bowl, but you can also download healing frequency sounds from Youtube. My favourite healing frequency is 432 hz, the universal frequency of harmony and peace.
How to charge your crystals under the full moon
The full moon marks the peak of the moon’s illumination, and this powerful moonlight is considered to be full of high vibrational energy that will charge your crystals up to their full healing capacity.
Traditionally, it is recommended to cleanse your crystals and leave them in the direct moonlight all night long. If you have a specific crystal healing purpose for any of your stones, you can prepare them by setting an intention.
This excerpt is is from our blog:
Fossil Wood - 30% off
Regular price £46.00 Sale price £32.20 Save 30%This very special specimen of fossil wood is really extra special because of the vibrant red pattern. This relic formed millions of years ago, it is simply a piece of wood that has been preserved in the fossil record.
Although there is no crystalline structure in this fossil wood specimen, meaning it does not emit a healing frequency, it is believed that fossil wood helps us to connect with our ancestral past, as well as our own personal story.
Our crystals are ethically sourced, handpicked and charged under the full moon
This fossil wood is a one-off piece and sold as seen:
233g and 80 x 75 x 30 mm
Want a better look at this crystal?
Contact us and we can video call or send you a video of this crystal.
All our crystals have been charged by the moon's energy and programmed with intention ... Our Moon Charged Formula
Manifestation is when you attract something into existence through the power of your mind. The trick to manifestation is simple, you just need to truly believe that you deserve to have your most amazing dreams come true.
Being an expert manifestor is, for some people, a process. Begin your manifestation journey by focusing on the small wins, like a convenient parking spot or a seat on a busy train. Once you start seeing evidence of some smaller wishes come true, you’ll be ready to give big manifestations a go.
Setting your intention
for every day, little manifestations
Using the power of intention is a simple practice that can be incorporated into your everyday life. The real trick to setting an intention is seeing it through. You must not let negative thinking hold you back. Easier said than done right? That is why crystal work can be an excellent support tool for self work.
Choose a crystal you feel drawn to, set your intention by speaking to the crystal. Just hold your precious gemstone and whisper your wish. Carry your crystal with you so it can be a constant reminder of your mission statement.
Moon Cycle Manifestation
for big manifestation
You can use the moon’s cycle to support your big manifestations. You need to start on the new moon and everyday of the 28 day moon cycle set your intention on a specific wish.
On the night of the new moon you place your crystals in a prominent place in your home, maybe somewhere in the moonlight like a windowsill. Every night until the full moon repeat your intention and see what magic manifests!
Learn more about crystal healing and manifesting on Instagram, Facebook and now Tik Tok.
Chakra healing meaning: The word chakra is originally Sanskrit, meaning 'wheel' or 'turning'. It refers to our main energy centres and how they affect our physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing. Each chakra has its own colour, element and purpose.
Your body is an energy system, and each part has its own function. While your heart keeps the blood flowing and your lungs keep you breathing, your energy system keeps your whole body working properly.
Your chakras need energy to flow through them in order to keep your spiritual body healthy. Imbalances in your energy system can cause psychological and physical symptoms, so it's important to keep your chakras in balance.
One of the ways you can heal your chakra system is through crystal realignment. You simply lay down and place a crystal of the corresponding colour on the chakra point, then sit back and relax as your energy blends with the healing frequency of the crystal.
A crystal's healing properties work on a spiritual level. They help clear your mind and restore your energy. Check out the chart below that illustrates the colour associations with each chakra point, plus examples of crystals that work well for alignments.
*You may be aware of the major seven chakras, the main energy centres of the body in the Indian and Buddhist traditions. But in fact, there are over a hundred chakra points, and at MCC we focus on ten.

This is an excerpt from our blog!
Read about all ten chakras here
How to cleanse your crystals:
1. Smoke cleanse
This is a very popular way to cleanse your crystals. The purifying smoke removes any energetic residue. You should always cleanse your crystals before you charge them.
Some crystal healing enthusiasts use candles or herb bundles. You can also use a bowl of mixed resins and herbs. Sage, rosemary and myrrh make a beautiful blend. Many shamanic healers use sage or palo Santo sticks. You should move the smoke around in a clockwise direction to cleanse the stone.
Sound healing is a great way to uplift your crystals' energy. It is believed that crystals align very well with the frequency of the sound. A lot of spiritual practitioners use a traditional singing bowl, but you can also download healing frequency sounds from Youtube. My favourite healing frequency is 432 hz, the universal frequency of harmony and peace.
How to charge your crystals under the full moon
The full moon marks the peak of the moon’s illumination, and this powerful moonlight is considered to be full of high vibrational energy that will charge your crystals up to their full healing capacity.
Traditionally, it is recommended to cleanse your crystals and leave them in the direct moonlight all night long. If you have a specific crystal healing purpose for any of your stones, you can prepare them by setting an intention.
This excerpt is is from our blog:
Spirit Quartz - 30% off
Regular price £8.00 Sale price £5.60 Save 30%A master healer, spirit quartz can clear blockages in your energy system. Spirit quartz will clear the mind, shift negative perspectives and promote enlightenment. Linking to all of the chakras, this stone is an amazingly high-vibe crystal.
Spirit quartz is particularly effective at healing those suffering from psychic exhaustion. Perhaps you feel drained by someone's heavy energy, or you have a feeling of impending doom over the future. Sleeping next to spirit quartz will heal you from mental exhaustion whilst you sleep.
Crystal Healing Tips
➵ Chakra Healing
Spirit quartz is associated with the crown and higher heart chakra. Sometimes we can long for someone or something so much that we cause ourselves worrisome thoughts. Well, fear not, just sleep next to a piece of spirit quartz and find yourself with a clear mind and balanced emotions in the morning.
➵ How to manifest
You can literally manifest any dream with spirit quartz. A master healer, this stone can clear blockages in your energy system. Spirit quartz will clear the mind, shift negative perspectives and promote enlightenment. Linking to all of the chakras, this stone is an amazingly high-vibe crystal. Hold a piece of spirit quartz and say: “I believe in my dreams, myself, and all that I am!”
➵ How to use your crystal
This particular specimen of spirit quartz would be best displayed somewhere in your home. Some crystal healing enthusiasts suggest sleeping next to spirit quartz during the first half of the moon cycle (new to full moon) as the energy is primed to help you manifest your dreams. *The second half of the moon's cycle is better for releasing what no longer serves you from your life.
Quartz is an essential crystal in any collection. It restores and regulates energy. This popular crystal has a high vibration and resonates well with any other crystal, amplifying its energy.
Perfect for:☾ Spiritual practitioners
☾ Artists
☾ Crystal grids
Build your crystal collection:
★ Our ethically sourced crystals are charged under the full moon
★ The spirit quartz cluster in the pictures is an example:
approximate weight and size:
Large - 90g and 80 mm
Small - 50g and 50 mm
Manifestation is when you attract something into existence through the power of your mind. The trick to manifestation is simple, you just need to truly believe that you deserve to have your most amazing dreams come true.
Being an expert manifestor is, for some people, a process. Begin your manifestation journey by focusing on the small wins, like a convenient parking spot or a seat on a busy train. Once you start seeing evidence of some smaller wishes come true, you’ll be ready to give big manifestations a go.
Setting your intention
for every day, little manifestations
Using the power of intention is a simple practice that can be incorporated into your everyday life. The real trick to setting an intention is seeing it through. You must not let negative thinking hold you back. Easier said than done right? That is why crystal work can be an excellent support tool for self work.
Choose a crystal you feel drawn to, set your intention by speaking to the crystal. Just hold your precious gemstone and whisper your wish. Carry your crystal with you so it can be a constant reminder of your mission statement.
Moon Cycle Manifestation
for big manifestation
You can use the moon’s cycle to support your big manifestations. You need to start on the new moon and everyday of the 28 day moon cycle set your intention on a specific wish.
On the night of the new moon you place your crystals in a prominent place in your home, maybe somewhere in the moonlight like a windowsill. Every night until the full moon repeat your intention and see what magic manifests!
Learn more about crystal healing and manifesting on Instagram, Facebook and now Tik Tok.
Chakra healing meaning: The word chakra is originally Sanskrit, meaning 'wheel' or 'turning'. It refers to our main energy centres and how they affect our physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing. Each chakra has its own colour, element and purpose.
Your body is an energy system, and each part has its own function. While your heart keeps the blood flowing and your lungs keep you breathing, your energy system keeps your whole body working properly.
Your chakras need energy to flow through them in order to keep your spiritual body healthy. Imbalances in your energy system can cause psychological and physical symptoms, so it's important to keep your chakras in balance.
One of the ways you can heal your chakra system is through crystal realignment. You simply lay down and place a crystal of the corresponding colour on the chakra point, then sit back and relax as your energy blends with the healing frequency of the crystal.
A crystal's healing properties work on a spiritual level. They help clear your mind and restore your energy. Check out the chart below that illustrates the colour associations with each chakra point, plus examples of crystals that work well for alignments.
*You may be aware of the major seven chakras, the main energy centres of the body in the Indian and Buddhist traditions. But in fact, there are over a hundred chakra points, and at MCC we focus on ten.

This is an excerpt from our blog!
Read about all ten chakras here
How to cleanse your crystals:
1. Smoke cleanse
This is a very popular way to cleanse your crystals. The purifying smoke removes any energetic residue. You should always cleanse your crystals before you charge them.
Some crystal healing enthusiasts use candles or herb bundles. You can also use a bowl of mixed resins and herbs. Sage, rosemary and myrrh make a beautiful blend. Many shamanic healers use sage or palo Santo sticks. You should move the smoke around in a clockwise direction to cleanse the stone.
Sound healing is a great way to uplift your crystals' energy. It is believed that crystals align very well with the frequency of the sound. A lot of spiritual practitioners use a traditional singing bowl, but you can also download healing frequency sounds from Youtube. My favourite healing frequency is 432 hz, the universal frequency of harmony and peace.
How to charge your crystals under the full moon
The full moon marks the peak of the moon’s illumination, and this powerful moonlight is considered to be full of high vibrational energy that will charge your crystals up to their full healing capacity.
Traditionally, it is recommended to cleanse your crystals and leave them in the direct moonlight all night long. If you have a specific crystal healing purpose for any of your stones, you can prepare them by setting an intention.
This excerpt is is from our blog:
Zebra Onyx Bowl - 30% off
Regular price £70.00 Sale price £49.00 Save 30%Got an eye for beautiful things, well, this Zebra Onyx Bowl is one of them!
Zebra onyx has a beautiful natural pattern that looks great in this hand-carved bowl. What better way to hold your precious trinkets than with a Zebra Onyx Bowl full of high-vibe energy?
Zebra onyx is a powerfully grounding crystal and an essential for any crystal work enthusiast. If you're looking for a way to store your crystals, then this zebra onyx bowl is perfect for you. This amazing and beautiful stone is one-of-a-kind and will restore your crystals' most powerful vibes for their next use.
Our crystals are ethically sourced, handpicked and charged under the full moonManifestation is when you attract something into existence through the power of your mind. The trick to manifestation is simple, you just need to truly believe that you deserve to have your most amazing dreams come true.
Being an expert manifestor is, for some people, a process. Begin your manifestation journey by focusing on the small wins, like a convenient parking spot or a seat on a busy train. Once you start seeing evidence of some smaller wishes come true, you’ll be ready to give big manifestations a go.
Setting your intention
for every day, little manifestations
Using the power of intention is a simple practice that can be incorporated into your everyday life. The real trick to setting an intention is seeing it through. You must not let negative thinking hold you back. Easier said than done right? That is why crystal work can be an excellent support tool for self work.
Choose a crystal you feel drawn to, set your intention by speaking to the crystal. Just hold your precious gemstone and whisper your wish. Carry your crystal with you so it can be a constant reminder of your mission statement.
Moon Cycle Manifestation
for big manifestation
You can use the moon’s cycle to support your big manifestations. You need to start on the new moon and everyday of the 28 day moon cycle set your intention on a specific wish.
On the night of the new moon you place your crystals in a prominent place in your home, maybe somewhere in the moonlight like a windowsill. Every night until the full moon repeat your intention and see what magic manifests!
Learn more about crystal healing and manifesting on Instagram, Facebook and now Tik Tok.
Chakra healing meaning: The word chakra is originally Sanskrit, meaning 'wheel' or 'turning'. It refers to our main energy centres and how they affect our physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing. Each chakra has its own colour, element and purpose.
Your body is an energy system, and each part has its own function. While your heart keeps the blood flowing and your lungs keep you breathing, your energy system keeps your whole body working properly.
Your chakras need energy to flow through them in order to keep your spiritual body healthy. Imbalances in your energy system can cause psychological and physical symptoms, so it's important to keep your chakras in balance.
One of the ways you can heal your chakra system is through crystal realignment. You simply lay down and place a crystal of the corresponding colour on the chakra point, then sit back and relax as your energy blends with the healing frequency of the crystal.
A crystal's healing properties work on a spiritual level. They help clear your mind and restore your energy. Check out the chart below that illustrates the colour associations with each chakra point, plus examples of crystals that work well for alignments.
*You may be aware of the major seven chakras, the main energy centres of the body in the Indian and Buddhist traditions. But in fact, there are over a hundred chakra points, and at MCC we focus on ten.

This is an excerpt from our blog!
Read about all ten chakras here
How to cleanse your crystals:
1. Smoke cleanse
This is a very popular way to cleanse your crystals. The purifying smoke removes any energetic residue. You should always cleanse your crystals before you charge them.
Some crystal healing enthusiasts use candles or herb bundles. You can also use a bowl of mixed resins and herbs. Sage, rosemary and myrrh make a beautiful blend. Many shamanic healers use sage or palo Santo sticks. You should move the smoke around in a clockwise direction to cleanse the stone.
Sound healing is a great way to uplift your crystals' energy. It is believed that crystals align very well with the frequency of the sound. A lot of spiritual practitioners use a traditional singing bowl, but you can also download healing frequency sounds from Youtube. My favourite healing frequency is 432 hz, the universal frequency of harmony and peace.
How to charge your crystals under the full moon
The full moon marks the peak of the moon’s illumination, and this powerful moonlight is considered to be full of high vibrational energy that will charge your crystals up to their full healing capacity.
Traditionally, it is recommended to cleanse your crystals and leave them in the direct moonlight all night long. If you have a specific crystal healing purpose for any of your stones, you can prepare them by setting an intention.
This excerpt is is from our blog:
Kyanite - 30% off
Regular price £14.00 Sale price £9.80 Save 30%Looking for a special place to retreat and heal, use kyanite to create the perfect sacred space for you. Kyanite is a peaceful crystal that emits very slow-moving energy, that allows you to take time to heal from modern-day stressors. It is actually widely believed that kyanite promotes the natural function of the theta waves in your brain, helping you relax and fall asleep.
Crystal Healing tips
➵ Chakra Healing
Kyanite strengthens the throat Chakra, allowing you to process your feelings and communicate calmly. If you have an important speech sleep next to kyanite the night before so the powerful healing energy from this crystal can
➵ How to manifest
Kyanite can be used to let go of worrying thoughts. Place your crystal in a prominent place and next time you find your mind wandering toward negative thoughts, walk to your crystal, close your eyes and tap your crystal three times each time saying: "I let go so I can let myself grow!"
➵ Best use for your crystal
The beautiful raw form and striking colour of kyanite make this an excellent statement piece for display in your home. Kyanite is an excellent crystal to keep in your bedroom if you struggle to fall asleep.
Build your crystal collection:
★ Our ethically sourced crystals are charged under the full moon
★ The crystal in the pictures is an example:
approximate weight and size:
150g and 120 x 30mm
Manifestation is when you attract something into existence through the power of your mind. The trick to manifestation is simple, you just need to truly believe that you deserve to have your most amazing dreams come true.
Being an expert manifestor is, for some people, a process. Begin your manifestation journey by focusing on the small wins, like a convenient parking spot or a seat on a busy train. Once you start seeing evidence of some smaller wishes come true, you’ll be ready to give big manifestations a go.
Setting your intention
for every day, little manifestations
Using the power of intention is a simple practice that can be incorporated into your everyday life. The real trick to setting an intention is seeing it through. You must not let negative thinking hold you back. Easier said than done right? That is why crystal work can be an excellent support tool for self work.
Choose a crystal you feel drawn to, set your intention by speaking to the crystal. Just hold your precious gemstone and whisper your wish. Carry your crystal with you so it can be a constant reminder of your mission statement.
Moon Cycle Manifestation
for big manifestation
You can use the moon’s cycle to support your big manifestations. You need to start on the new moon and everyday of the 28 day moon cycle set your intention on a specific wish.
On the night of the new moon you place your crystals in a prominent place in your home, maybe somewhere in the moonlight like a windowsill. Every night until the full moon repeat your intention and see what magic manifests!
Learn more about crystal healing and manifesting on Instagram, Facebook and now Tik Tok.
Chakra healing meaning: The word chakra is originally Sanskrit, meaning 'wheel' or 'turning'. It refers to our main energy centres and how they affect our physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing. Each chakra has its own colour, element and purpose.
Your body is an energy system, and each part has its own function. While your heart keeps the blood flowing and your lungs keep you breathing, your energy system keeps your whole body working properly.
Your chakras need energy to flow through them in order to keep your spiritual body healthy. Imbalances in your energy system can cause psychological and physical symptoms, so it's important to keep your chakras in balance.
One of the ways you can heal your chakra system is through crystal realignment. You simply lay down and place a crystal of the corresponding colour on the chakra point, then sit back and relax as your energy blends with the healing frequency of the crystal.
A crystal's healing properties work on a spiritual level. They help clear your mind and restore your energy. Check out the chart below that illustrates the colour associations with each chakra point, plus examples of crystals that work well for alignments.
*You may be aware of the major seven chakras, the main energy centres of the body in the Indian and Buddhist traditions. But in fact, there are over a hundred chakra points, and at MCC we focus on ten.

This is an excerpt from our blog!
Read about all ten chakras here
How to cleanse your crystals:
1. Smoke cleanse
This is a very popular way to cleanse your crystals. The purifying smoke removes any energetic residue. You should always cleanse your crystals before you charge them.
Some crystal healing enthusiasts use candles or herb bundles. You can also use a bowl of mixed resins and herbs. Sage, rosemary and myrrh make a beautiful blend. Many shamanic healers use sage or palo Santo sticks. You should move the smoke around in a clockwise direction to cleanse the stone.
Sound healing is a great way to uplift your crystals' energy. It is believed that crystals align very well with the frequency of the sound. A lot of spiritual practitioners use a traditional singing bowl, but you can also download healing frequency sounds from Youtube. My favourite healing frequency is 432 hz, the universal frequency of harmony and peace.
How to charge your crystals under the full moon
The full moon marks the peak of the moon’s illumination, and this powerful moonlight is considered to be full of high vibrational energy that will charge your crystals up to their full healing capacity.
Traditionally, it is recommended to cleanse your crystals and leave them in the direct moonlight all night long. If you have a specific crystal healing purpose for any of your stones, you can prepare them by setting an intention.
This excerpt is is from our blog:
Rose Calcite Tower - 30% off
Regular price £75.00 Sale price £52.50 Save 30%This rose calcite tower is a beautiful crystal, particularly for anyone who loves pink, pretty things. This rose calcite tower is a very calming crystal that inspires deep self-love, that feeling when you feel completely comfortable in your own skin.
Trigonal points are crystals known to be one of the best shapes for manifesting. Simply whisper a wish on your rose calcite tower and see if dreams really do come true.
Rose calcite is a great crystal to support harmonious relationships. Display your rose calcite tower in living spaces to promote compassion and joy in your home.
Our crystals are ethically sourced, handpicked and charged under the full moon
This rose calcite tower is a one-off piece and sold as seen: 372 g and 140 x 40 x 40 mm
Want a better look at this crystal?
Contact us and we can video call or send you a video of this crystal .
Manifestation is when you attract something into existence through the power of your mind. The trick to manifestation is simple, you just need to truly believe that you deserve to have your most amazing dreams come true.
Being an expert manifestor is, for some people, a process. Begin your manifestation journey by focusing on the small wins, like a convenient parking spot or a seat on a busy train. Once you start seeing evidence of some smaller wishes come true, you’ll be ready to give big manifestations a go.
Setting your intention
for every day, little manifestations
Using the power of intention is a simple practice that can be incorporated into your everyday life. The real trick to setting an intention is seeing it through. You must not let negative thinking hold you back. Easier said than done right? That is why crystal work can be an excellent support tool for self work.
Choose a crystal you feel drawn to, set your intention by speaking to the crystal. Just hold your precious gemstone and whisper your wish. Carry your crystal with you so it can be a constant reminder of your mission statement.
Moon Cycle Manifestation
for big manifestation
You can use the moon’s cycle to support your big manifestations. You need to start on the new moon and everyday of the 28 day moon cycle set your intention on a specific wish.
On the night of the new moon you place your crystals in a prominent place in your home, maybe somewhere in the moonlight like a windowsill. Every night until the full moon repeat your intention and see what magic manifests!
Learn more about crystal healing and manifesting on Instagram, Facebook and now Tik Tok.
Chakra healing meaning: The word chakra is originally Sanskrit, meaning 'wheel' or 'turning'. It refers to our main energy centres and how they affect our physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing. Each chakra has its own colour, element and purpose.
Your body is an energy system, and each part has its own function. While your heart keeps the blood flowing and your lungs keep you breathing, your energy system keeps your whole body working properly.
Your chakras need energy to flow through them in order to keep your spiritual body healthy. Imbalances in your energy system can cause psychological and physical symptoms, so it's important to keep your chakras in balance.
One of the ways you can heal your chakra system is through crystal realignment. You simply lay down and place a crystal of the corresponding colour on the chakra point, then sit back and relax as your energy blends with the healing frequency of the crystal.
A crystal's healing properties work on a spiritual level. They help clear your mind and restore your energy. Check out the chart below that illustrates the colour associations with each chakra point, plus examples of crystals that work well for alignments.
*You may be aware of the major seven chakras, the main energy centres of the body in the Indian and Buddhist traditions. But in fact, there are over a hundred chakra points, and at MCC we focus on ten.

This is an excerpt from our blog!
Read about all ten chakras here
How to cleanse your crystals:
1. Smoke cleanse
This is a very popular way to cleanse your crystals. The purifying smoke removes any energetic residue. You should always cleanse your crystals before you charge them.
Some crystal healing enthusiasts use candles or herb bundles. You can also use a bowl of mixed resins and herbs. Sage, rosemary and myrrh make a beautiful blend. Many shamanic healers use sage or palo Santo sticks. You should move the smoke around in a clockwise direction to cleanse the stone.
Sound healing is a great way to uplift your crystals' energy. It is believed that crystals align very well with the frequency of the sound. A lot of spiritual practitioners use a traditional singing bowl, but you can also download healing frequency sounds from Youtube. My favourite healing frequency is 432 hz, the universal frequency of harmony and peace.
How to charge your crystals under the full moon
The full moon marks the peak of the moon’s illumination, and this powerful moonlight is considered to be full of high vibrational energy that will charge your crystals up to their full healing capacity.
Traditionally, it is recommended to cleanse your crystals and leave them in the direct moonlight all night long. If you have a specific crystal healing purpose for any of your stones, you can prepare them by setting an intention.
This excerpt is is from our blog:
Snowflake Obsidian - 30% off
Regular price £10.00 Sale price £7.00 Save 30%Snowflake obsidian is a truly beautiful and unique crystal. The crystal properties are similar to that of other obsidians but snowflake obsidian is a little special in the fact that this crystal can be used for intense self-work. Obsidian is a great crystal to absorb negative thinking and depression, but once you have released what negativity snowflake obsidian will help you realise where you find bliss in your own life. Replace negativity with confidence and joy by simply sleeping next to this crystal.
Crystal Healing Tips
➵ Chakra Healing
Snowflake obsidian supports the earth star chakra and is known to absorb any lingering insecurities and fears. If you feel unsettled and anxious lie down for ten minutes with a piece of snowflake obsidian under your knees, you should feel much better afterwards.
➵ How to manifest
Snowflake obsidian can be used to manifest extra energetic protection. Some old crystal healing traditions advise you to bury a piece of obsidian in your garden, or in a plant pot in your home. This crystal healing technique is not only very grounding but you are setting an intention to keep your home and all those who live there safe.
➵ Best use for your crystal
Snowflake obsidian can be used to protect your energy, as well as your home. Keep snowflake obsidian near the front door to keep naysayers at bay. Sleep next to snowflake obsidian if you are particularly anxious, and carry around this crystal as a worry stone to hold when you are in need of comfort and support.
Snowflake obsidian is a stone of truth, its sharpness symbolising its ability to cut through lies and blockages, clearing away emotional pain and providing protection from the impact of emotional trauma.
Perfect for:
☾ Crystal grids
☾ Chakra healing
☾ A crystal for your pocket
Keep around your home, by doorways or bury outside for energetic protection.
Obsidian draws out negativity from its surroundings, therefore it is very important to cleanse it regularly by smoking herbs or rinsing with salt water.
Build your crystal collection:
★ Our ethically sourced crystals are charged under the full moon
★ The crystal in the pictures is an example:
approximate weight and size:
40g and 50 x 30mm
Manifestation is when you attract something into existence through the power of your mind. The trick to manifestation is simple, you just need to truly believe that you deserve to have your most amazing dreams come true.
Being an expert manifestor is, for some people, a process. Begin your manifestation journey by focusing on the small wins, like a convenient parking spot or a seat on a busy train. Once you start seeing evidence of some smaller wishes come true, you’ll be ready to give big manifestations a go.
Setting your intention
for every day, little manifestations
Using the power of intention is a simple practice that can be incorporated into your everyday life. The real trick to setting an intention is seeing it through. You must not let negative thinking hold you back. Easier said than done right? That is why crystal work can be an excellent support tool for self work.
Choose a crystal you feel drawn to, set your intention by speaking to the crystal. Just hold your precious gemstone and whisper your wish. Carry your crystal with you so it can be a constant reminder of your mission statement.
Moon Cycle Manifestation
for big manifestation
You can use the moon’s cycle to support your big manifestations. You need to start on the new moon and everyday of the 28 day moon cycle set your intention on a specific wish.
On the night of the new moon you place your crystals in a prominent place in your home, maybe somewhere in the moonlight like a windowsill. Every night until the full moon repeat your intention and see what magic manifests!
Learn more about crystal healing and manifesting on Instagram, Facebook and now Tik Tok.
Chakra healing meaning: The word chakra is originally Sanskrit, meaning 'wheel' or 'turning'. It refers to our main energy centres and how they affect our physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing. Each chakra has its own colour, element and purpose.
Your body is an energy system, and each part has its own function. While your heart keeps the blood flowing and your lungs keep you breathing, your energy system keeps your whole body working properly.
Your chakras need energy to flow through them in order to keep your spiritual body healthy. Imbalances in your energy system can cause psychological and physical symptoms, so it's important to keep your chakras in balance.
One of the ways you can heal your chakra system is through crystal realignment. You simply lay down and place a crystal of the corresponding colour on the chakra point, then sit back and relax as your energy blends with the healing frequency of the crystal.
A crystal's healing properties work on a spiritual level. They help clear your mind and restore your energy. Check out the chart below that illustrates the colour associations with each chakra point, plus examples of crystals that work well for alignments.
*You may be aware of the major seven chakras, the main energy centres of the body in the Indian and Buddhist traditions. But in fact, there are over a hundred chakra points, and at MCC we focus on ten.

This is an excerpt from our blog!
Read about all ten chakras here
How to cleanse your crystals:
1. Smoke cleanse
This is a very popular way to cleanse your crystals. The purifying smoke removes any energetic residue. You should always cleanse your crystals before you charge them.
Some crystal healing enthusiasts use candles or herb bundles. You can also use a bowl of mixed resins and herbs. Sage, rosemary and myrrh make a beautiful blend. Many shamanic healers use sage or palo Santo sticks. You should move the smoke around in a clockwise direction to cleanse the stone.
Sound healing is a great way to uplift your crystals' energy. It is believed that crystals align very well with the frequency of the sound. A lot of spiritual practitioners use a traditional singing bowl, but you can also download healing frequency sounds from Youtube. My favourite healing frequency is 432 hz, the universal frequency of harmony and peace.
How to charge your crystals under the full moon
The full moon marks the peak of the moon’s illumination, and this powerful moonlight is considered to be full of high vibrational energy that will charge your crystals up to their full healing capacity.
Traditionally, it is recommended to cleanse your crystals and leave them in the direct moonlight all night long. If you have a specific crystal healing purpose for any of your stones, you can prepare them by setting an intention.
This excerpt is is from our blog:
Thulite - 30% off
Regular price £12.00 Sale price £8.40 Save 30%Crystal Healing Tips
➵ Chakra Healing
Thulite supports the crown chakra and is the perfect crystal to work with when you want to open your mind to new possibilities. It is considered a healing crystal that can also attract new experiences into your world. To heal the crown chakra lie down for 20 minutes with a piece of thulite just above your head.
➵ How to manifest
Ready to explore the unknown? Whether it's a new city, a new job, or even a new relationship, thulite can help you make the most out of it. Hold your thulite crystal and repeat this simple intention spell: “My soul is ready to live the life of my dreams!”
➵ How to use your crystal
Add this stunning thulite to your crystal collection or display it in your home for decor. Keep a piece of thulite near your bed to heal your chakra system while you sleep.
☾ Chakra healing
☾ Displaying other crystals
Build your crystal collection:
★Our ethically sourced crystals are charged under the full moon
★ The crystal in the pictures is an example:
approximate weight and size:
70g and 60 x 40 x 10 mm
Manifestation is when you attract something into existence through the power of your mind. The trick to manifestation is simple, you just need to truly believe that you deserve to have your most amazing dreams come true.
Being an expert manifestor is, for some people, a process. Begin your manifestation journey by focusing on the small wins, like a convenient parking spot or a seat on a busy train. Once you start seeing evidence of some smaller wishes come true, you’ll be ready to give big manifestations a go.
Setting your intention
for every day, little manifestations
Using the power of intention is a simple practice that can be incorporated into your everyday life. The real trick to setting an intention is seeing it through. You must not let negative thinking hold you back. Easier said than done right? That is why crystal work can be an excellent support tool for self work.
Choose a crystal you feel drawn to, set your intention by speaking to the crystal. Just hold your precious gemstone and whisper your wish. Carry your crystal with you so it can be a constant reminder of your mission statement.
Moon Cycle Manifestation
for big manifestation
You can use the moon’s cycle to support your big manifestations. You need to start on the new moon and everyday of the 28 day moon cycle set your intention on a specific wish.
On the night of the new moon you place your crystals in a prominent place in your home, maybe somewhere in the moonlight like a windowsill. Every night until the full moon repeat your intention and see what magic manifests!
Learn more about crystal healing and manifesting on Instagram, Facebook and now Tik Tok.
Chakra healing meaning: The word chakra is originally Sanskrit, meaning 'wheel' or 'turning'. It refers to our main energy centres and how they affect our physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing. Each chakra has its own colour, element and purpose.
Your body is an energy system, and each part has its own function. While your heart keeps the blood flowing and your lungs keep you breathing, your energy system keeps your whole body working properly.
Your chakras need energy to flow through them in order to keep your spiritual body healthy. Imbalances in your energy system can cause psychological and physical symptoms, so it's important to keep your chakras in balance.
One of the ways you can heal your chakra system is through crystal realignment. You simply lay down and place a crystal of the corresponding colour on the chakra point, then sit back and relax as your energy blends with the healing frequency of the crystal.
A crystal's healing properties work on a spiritual level. They help clear your mind and restore your energy. Check out the chart below that illustrates the colour associations with each chakra point, plus examples of crystals that work well for alignments.
*You may be aware of the major seven chakras, the main energy centres of the body in the Indian and Buddhist traditions. But in fact, there are over a hundred chakra points, and at MCC we focus on ten.

This is an excerpt from our blog!
Read about all ten chakras here
How to cleanse your crystals:
1. Smoke cleanse
This is a very popular way to cleanse your crystals. The purifying smoke removes any energetic residue. You should always cleanse your crystals before you charge them.
Some crystal healing enthusiasts use candles or herb bundles. You can also use a bowl of mixed resins and herbs. Sage, rosemary and myrrh make a beautiful blend. Many shamanic healers use sage or palo Santo sticks. You should move the smoke around in a clockwise direction to cleanse the stone.
Sound healing is a great way to uplift your crystals' energy. It is believed that crystals align very well with the frequency of the sound. A lot of spiritual practitioners use a traditional singing bowl, but you can also download healing frequency sounds from Youtube. My favourite healing frequency is 432 hz, the universal frequency of harmony and peace.
How to charge your crystals under the full moon
The full moon marks the peak of the moon’s illumination, and this powerful moonlight is considered to be full of high vibrational energy that will charge your crystals up to their full healing capacity.
Traditionally, it is recommended to cleanse your crystals and leave them in the direct moonlight all night long. If you have a specific crystal healing purpose for any of your stones, you can prepare them by setting an intention.
This excerpt is is from our blog:
Aragonite - 30% off
Regular price £48.00 Sale price £33.60 Save 30%Aragonite is a complex crystal that can heal and transform your life in amazing ways. Linked to the root chakra aragonite is known to remove any fears and insecurities in your psyche whilst also empowering you to live your best life.
When you are ready to take control of your life, when you refuse to live in fear and anxiety anymore, it is advised to keep aragonite in your home. Linked to the energy of mother earth aragonite is extremely grounding and healing.
It is believed that aragonite is a great crystal for teenagers as it calms heightened emotions, particularly rage, and replaces that energy with self-resolve and the determination to reach your goals.
This particular specimen was sourced in Morrocco by our distribution partners and cleansed and charged according to our Moon Charged Formula.
Our crystals are ethically sourced, handpicked and charged under the full moon
- This crystal is a one-off piece and sold as seen:
- 384g and 120 x 60 x 50 mm
Want a better look at this crystal? Contact us and we can video call or send you a video of this crystal.
Manifestation is when you attract something into existence through the power of your mind. The trick to manifestation is simple, you just need to truly believe that you deserve to have your most amazing dreams come true.
Being an expert manifestor is, for some people, a process. Begin your manifestation journey by focusing on the small wins, like a convenient parking spot or a seat on a busy train. Once you start seeing evidence of some smaller wishes come true, you’ll be ready to give big manifestations a go.
Setting your intention
for every day, little manifestations
Using the power of intention is a simple practice that can be incorporated into your everyday life. The real trick to setting an intention is seeing it through. You must not let negative thinking hold you back. Easier said than done right? That is why crystal work can be an excellent support tool for self work.
Choose a crystal you feel drawn to, set your intention by speaking to the crystal. Just hold your precious gemstone and whisper your wish. Carry your crystal with you so it can be a constant reminder of your mission statement.
Moon Cycle Manifestation
for big manifestation
You can use the moon’s cycle to support your big manifestations. You need to start on the new moon and everyday of the 28 day moon cycle set your intention on a specific wish.
On the night of the new moon you place your crystals in a prominent place in your home, maybe somewhere in the moonlight like a windowsill. Every night until the full moon repeat your intention and see what magic manifests!
Learn more about crystal healing and manifesting on Instagram, Facebook and now Tik Tok.
Chakra healing meaning: The word chakra is originally Sanskrit, meaning 'wheel' or 'turning'. It refers to our main energy centres and how they affect our physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing. Each chakra has its own colour, element and purpose.
Your body is an energy system, and each part has its own function. While your heart keeps the blood flowing and your lungs keep you breathing, your energy system keeps your whole body working properly.
Your chakras need energy to flow through them in order to keep your spiritual body healthy. Imbalances in your energy system can cause psychological and physical symptoms, so it's important to keep your chakras in balance.
One of the ways you can heal your chakra system is through crystal realignment. You simply lay down and place a crystal of the corresponding colour on the chakra point, then sit back and relax as your energy blends with the healing frequency of the crystal.
A crystal's healing properties work on a spiritual level. They help clear your mind and restore your energy. Check out the chart below that illustrates the colour associations with each chakra point, plus examples of crystals that work well for alignments.
*You may be aware of the major seven chakras, the main energy centres of the body in the Indian and Buddhist traditions. But in fact, there are over a hundred chakra points, and at MCC we focus on ten.

This is an excerpt from our blog!
Read about all ten chakras here
How to cleanse your crystals:
1. Smoke cleanse
This is a very popular way to cleanse your crystals. The purifying smoke removes any energetic residue. You should always cleanse your crystals before you charge them.
Some crystal healing enthusiasts use candles or herb bundles. You can also use a bowl of mixed resins and herbs. Sage, rosemary and myrrh make a beautiful blend. Many shamanic healers use sage or palo Santo sticks. You should move the smoke around in a clockwise direction to cleanse the stone.
Sound healing is a great way to uplift your crystals' energy. It is believed that crystals align very well with the frequency of the sound. A lot of spiritual practitioners use a traditional singing bowl, but you can also download healing frequency sounds from Youtube. My favourite healing frequency is 432 hz, the universal frequency of harmony and peace.
How to charge your crystals under the full moon
The full moon marks the peak of the moon’s illumination, and this powerful moonlight is considered to be full of high vibrational energy that will charge your crystals up to their full healing capacity.
Traditionally, it is recommended to cleanse your crystals and leave them in the direct moonlight all night long. If you have a specific crystal healing purpose for any of your stones, you can prepare them by setting an intention.
This excerpt is is from our blog:
Rubellite Tourmaline - 30% off
Regular price £200.00 Sale price £140.00 Save 30%Rubellite tourmaline is one of the most sought after, rare specimens of tourmaline you can find on the crystal market. This rubellite tourmaline was sourced from Brazil and is truly spectacular. The white and pink hues of this crystal are truly breathtaking and a great stand-alone display piece for your home.
Rubellite tourmaline is as grounding as other tourmalines but this crystal tends to have more uplifting energy than most. Normally we recommend tourmalines be displayed near doors to energetically protect your home, however, rubellite tourmaline is better suited to living spaces as this crystal's energy likes to keep things chill, supporting harmonious relationships and joy.
Our crystals are ethically sourced, handpicked and charged under the full moon
This crystal is a one-off piece and sold as seen:
709g and 100 x 80 x 80 mm
Want a better look at this crystal?
Contact us and we can video call or send you a video of this crystal.
Manifestation is when you attract something into existence through the power of your mind. The trick to manifestation is simple, you just need to truly believe that you deserve to have your most amazing dreams come true.
Being an expert manifestor is, for some people, a process. Begin your manifestation journey by focusing on the small wins, like a convenient parking spot or a seat on a busy train. Once you start seeing evidence of some smaller wishes come true, you’ll be ready to give big manifestations a go.
Setting your intention
for every day, little manifestations
Using the power of intention is a simple practice that can be incorporated into your everyday life. The real trick to setting an intention is seeing it through. You must not let negative thinking hold you back. Easier said than done right? That is why crystal work can be an excellent support tool for self work.
Choose a crystal you feel drawn to, set your intention by speaking to the crystal. Just hold your precious gemstone and whisper your wish. Carry your crystal with you so it can be a constant reminder of your mission statement.
Moon Cycle Manifestation
for big manifestation
You can use the moon’s cycle to support your big manifestations. You need to start on the new moon and everyday of the 28 day moon cycle set your intention on a specific wish.
On the night of the new moon you place your crystals in a prominent place in your home, maybe somewhere in the moonlight like a windowsill. Every night until the full moon repeat your intention and see what magic manifests!
Learn more about crystal healing and manifesting on Instagram, Facebook and now Tik Tok.
Chakra healing meaning: The word chakra is originally Sanskrit, meaning 'wheel' or 'turning'. It refers to our main energy centres and how they affect our physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing. Each chakra has its own colour, element and purpose.
Your body is an energy system, and each part has its own function. While your heart keeps the blood flowing and your lungs keep you breathing, your energy system keeps your whole body working properly.
Your chakras need energy to flow through them in order to keep your spiritual body healthy. Imbalances in your energy system can cause psychological and physical symptoms, so it's important to keep your chakras in balance.
One of the ways you can heal your chakra system is through crystal realignment. You simply lay down and place a crystal of the corresponding colour on the chakra point, then sit back and relax as your energy blends with the healing frequency of the crystal.
A crystal's healing properties work on a spiritual level. They help clear your mind and restore your energy. Check out the chart below that illustrates the colour associations with each chakra point, plus examples of crystals that work well for alignments.
*You may be aware of the major seven chakras, the main energy centres of the body in the Indian and Buddhist traditions. But in fact, there are over a hundred chakra points, and at MCC we focus on ten.

This is an excerpt from our blog!
Read about all ten chakras here
How to cleanse your crystals:
1. Smoke cleanse
This is a very popular way to cleanse your crystals. The purifying smoke removes any energetic residue. You should always cleanse your crystals before you charge them.
Some crystal healing enthusiasts use candles or herb bundles. You can also use a bowl of mixed resins and herbs. Sage, rosemary and myrrh make a beautiful blend. Many shamanic healers use sage or palo Santo sticks. You should move the smoke around in a clockwise direction to cleanse the stone.
Sound healing is a great way to uplift your crystals' energy. It is believed that crystals align very well with the frequency of the sound. A lot of spiritual practitioners use a traditional singing bowl, but you can also download healing frequency sounds from Youtube. My favourite healing frequency is 432 hz, the universal frequency of harmony and peace.
How to charge your crystals under the full moon
The full moon marks the peak of the moon’s illumination, and this powerful moonlight is considered to be full of high vibrational energy that will charge your crystals up to their full healing capacity.
Traditionally, it is recommended to cleanse your crystals and leave them in the direct moonlight all night long. If you have a specific crystal healing purpose for any of your stones, you can prepare them by setting an intention.
This excerpt is is from our blog:
Red Hematite Amethyst Quartz - 30% off
Regular price £53.00 Sale price £37.00 Save 30%This extremely rare and unique red hematite amethyst quartz crystal specimen was sourced in Brazil and, for crystal healing practitioners, this piece is really exciting because purple and red crystals are rare and are known to heal your entire chakra system.
This beautiful matrix of hematite, amethyst and quartz is truly stunning and the positive effect of this crystal is very apparent. The vibrant colour of this red hematite amethyst quartz crystal is truly beautiful and reflective of the high-vibration energy emitted from this special specimen.
Red hematite amethyst quartz is the perfect crystal for anyone interested in chakra healing, this interesting specimen would also be fantastic as a display piece in your home as it is a high-energy crystal that will energetically support all who dwell there.
Our crystals are ethically sourced, handpicked and charged under the full moon
- This crystal is a one-off piece and sold as seen:
- 348g and 90 x 75 x 90 mm
Want a better look at this red hematite amethyst quartz ?
Contact us and we can video call or send you a video of this crystal.
Manifestation is when you attract something into existence through the power of your mind. The trick to manifestation is simple, you just need to truly believe that you deserve to have your most amazing dreams come true.
Being an expert manifestor is, for some people, a process. Begin your manifestation journey by focusing on the small wins, like a convenient parking spot or a seat on a busy train. Once you start seeing evidence of some smaller wishes come true, you’ll be ready to give big manifestations a go.
Setting your intention
for every day, little manifestations
Using the power of intention is a simple practice that can be incorporated into your everyday life. The real trick to setting an intention is seeing it through. You must not let negative thinking hold you back. Easier said than done right? That is why crystal work can be an excellent support tool for self work.
Choose a crystal you feel drawn to, set your intention by speaking to the crystal. Just hold your precious gemstone and whisper your wish. Carry your crystal with you so it can be a constant reminder of your mission statement.
Moon Cycle Manifestation
for big manifestation
You can use the moon’s cycle to support your big manifestations. You need to start on the new moon and everyday of the 28 day moon cycle set your intention on a specific wish.
On the night of the new moon you place your crystals in a prominent place in your home, maybe somewhere in the moonlight like a windowsill. Every night until the full moon repeat your intention and see what magic manifests!
Learn more about crystal healing and manifesting on Instagram, Facebook and now Tik Tok.
Chakra healing meaning: The word chakra is originally Sanskrit, meaning 'wheel' or 'turning'. It refers to our main energy centres and how they affect our physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing. Each chakra has its own colour, element and purpose.
Your body is an energy system, and each part has its own function. While your heart keeps the blood flowing and your lungs keep you breathing, your energy system keeps your whole body working properly.
Your chakras need energy to flow through them in order to keep your spiritual body healthy. Imbalances in your energy system can cause psychological and physical symptoms, so it's important to keep your chakras in balance.
One of the ways you can heal your chakra system is through crystal realignment. You simply lay down and place a crystal of the corresponding colour on the chakra point, then sit back and relax as your energy blends with the healing frequency of the crystal.
A crystal's healing properties work on a spiritual level. They help clear your mind and restore your energy. Check out the chart below that illustrates the colour associations with each chakra point, plus examples of crystals that work well for alignments.
*You may be aware of the major seven chakras, the main energy centres of the body in the Indian and Buddhist traditions. But in fact, there are over a hundred chakra points, and at MCC we focus on ten.

This is an excerpt from our blog!
Read about all ten chakras here
How to cleanse your crystals:
1. Smoke cleanse
This is a very popular way to cleanse your crystals. The purifying smoke removes any energetic residue. You should always cleanse your crystals before you charge them.
Some crystal healing enthusiasts use candles or herb bundles. You can also use a bowl of mixed resins and herbs. Sage, rosemary and myrrh make a beautiful blend. Many shamanic healers use sage or palo Santo sticks. You should move the smoke around in a clockwise direction to cleanse the stone.
Sound healing is a great way to uplift your crystals' energy. It is believed that crystals align very well with the frequency of the sound. A lot of spiritual practitioners use a traditional singing bowl, but you can also download healing frequency sounds from Youtube. My favourite healing frequency is 432 hz, the universal frequency of harmony and peace.
How to charge your crystals under the full moon
The full moon marks the peak of the moon’s illumination, and this powerful moonlight is considered to be full of high vibrational energy that will charge your crystals up to their full healing capacity.
Traditionally, it is recommended to cleanse your crystals and leave them in the direct moonlight all night long. If you have a specific crystal healing purpose for any of your stones, you can prepare them by setting an intention.
This excerpt is is from our blog:
Sunstone - 30% off
Regular price £12.00 Sale price £8.40 Save 30%Sunstone is the crystal of the sun, some crystal healing practitioners believe you can hold this crystal and imagine the power of the sun warming you when you are cold. Sunstone improves your mood and purifies negativity, reduces stress, and increases vitality. This particular specimen was sourced in Tanzania.
This beautiful mineral is a great addition to any crystal collection. Carry a piece of sunstone with you on days when you feel down in the dumps because this crystal is known to warm cold hearts and inspire positivity.
Crystal Healing Tips
➵ Chakra Healing
Sunstone is associated with the sacral chakra and can be used to empower you. When you are healing the sacral chakra it is best to think of your crystal giving you strength and power, rather than healing. If you feel unmotivated, maybe depressed carry a piece of sunstone with you during the day.
➵ How to manifest
Sunstone is a very powerful crystal and promotes fun and good times. If you are planning a fun day out, a party or get together place a piece of sunstone in a prominent place in your home. For extra crystal healing power hold this crystal and say: "I am the creator of my reality!”
➵ How to use your crystal
Sunstone is a crystal best used during the day in honour of its patron god.. the sun, Ra, Apollo. Some crystal healing enthusiasts like to carry a piece of sunstone with them every day to keep life fun and enjoyable. Alternatively, keep this crystal in your bedroom to make sure you wake up every day full of motivation and passion for the day ahead.
Build your crystal collection:
★ Our ethically sourced crystals are charged under the full moon
★ The crystal in the pictures is an example:
approximate weight and size:
5g and 32 x 25 x 6 mm
Manifestation is when you attract something into existence through the power of your mind. The trick to manifestation is simple, you just need to truly believe that you deserve to have your most amazing dreams come true.
Being an expert manifestor is, for some people, a process. Begin your manifestation journey by focusing on the small wins, like a convenient parking spot or a seat on a busy train. Once you start seeing evidence of some smaller wishes come true, you’ll be ready to give big manifestations a go.
Setting your intention
for every day, little manifestations
Using the power of intention is a simple practice that can be incorporated into your everyday life. The real trick to setting an intention is seeing it through. You must not let negative thinking hold you back. Easier said than done right? That is why crystal work can be an excellent support tool for self work.
Choose a crystal you feel drawn to, set your intention by speaking to the crystal. Just hold your precious gemstone and whisper your wish. Carry your crystal with you so it can be a constant reminder of your mission statement.
Moon Cycle Manifestation
for big manifestation
You can use the moon’s cycle to support your big manifestations. You need to start on the new moon and everyday of the 28 day moon cycle set your intention on a specific wish.
On the night of the new moon you place your crystals in a prominent place in your home, maybe somewhere in the moonlight like a windowsill. Every night until the full moon repeat your intention and see what magic manifests!
Learn more about crystal healing and manifesting on Instagram, Facebook and now Tik Tok.
Chakra healing meaning: The word chakra is originally Sanskrit, meaning 'wheel' or 'turning'. It refers to our main energy centres and how they affect our physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing. Each chakra has its own colour, element and purpose.
Your body is an energy system, and each part has its own function. While your heart keeps the blood flowing and your lungs keep you breathing, your energy system keeps your whole body working properly.
Your chakras need energy to flow through them in order to keep your spiritual body healthy. Imbalances in your energy system can cause psychological and physical symptoms, so it's important to keep your chakras in balance.
One of the ways you can heal your chakra system is through crystal realignment. You simply lay down and place a crystal of the corresponding colour on the chakra point, then sit back and relax as your energy blends with the healing frequency of the crystal.
A crystal's healing properties work on a spiritual level. They help clear your mind and restore your energy. Check out the chart below that illustrates the colour associations with each chakra point, plus examples of crystals that work well for alignments.
*You may be aware of the major seven chakras, the main energy centres of the body in the Indian and Buddhist traditions. But in fact, there are over a hundred chakra points, and at MCC we focus on ten.

This is an excerpt from our blog!
Read about all ten chakras here
How to cleanse your crystals:
1. Smoke cleanse
This is a very popular way to cleanse your crystals. The purifying smoke removes any energetic residue. You should always cleanse your crystals before you charge them.
Some crystal healing enthusiasts use candles or herb bundles. You can also use a bowl of mixed resins and herbs. Sage, rosemary and myrrh make a beautiful blend. Many shamanic healers use sage or palo Santo sticks. You should move the smoke around in a clockwise direction to cleanse the stone.
Sound healing is a great way to uplift your crystals' energy. It is believed that crystals align very well with the frequency of the sound. A lot of spiritual practitioners use a traditional singing bowl, but you can also download healing frequency sounds from Youtube. My favourite healing frequency is 432 hz, the universal frequency of harmony and peace.
How to charge your crystals under the full moon
The full moon marks the peak of the moon’s illumination, and this powerful moonlight is considered to be full of high vibrational energy that will charge your crystals up to their full healing capacity.
Traditionally, it is recommended to cleanse your crystals and leave them in the direct moonlight all night long. If you have a specific crystal healing purpose for any of your stones, you can prepare them by setting an intention.
This excerpt is is from our blog:
Labradorite Slice - 30% off
Regular price £11.00 Sale price £7.70 Save 30%This labradorite slice is an incredibly beautiful and magical stone. This crystal inspires us to think outside the box, open the mind, and look beyond the veil. The ideal tool for psychic development and intuition.
Crystal Healing Tips
➵ Chakra Healing
Being multi coloured labradorite is a crystal that benefits all the chakra points. It is believed that labradorite slices like this are particularly beneficial for your third eye chakra activation and can assist with psychic development.
➵ How to manifest
Use this labradorite slice to manifest the unexpected. When life feels a little boring and you want to invite some fresh opportunities use labradorite to invoke the Law of Attraction.
Remember.. like attracts like.. so be open to anything and you will find opportunity comes knocking at your door. Use this simple intention spell for attracting the unexpected: “I am the creator of my reality!”
➵ How to use your crystal
Keep this labradorite slice near any special divination tools like your pendulum, tarot cards or runes. This labradorite slice can heal imbalances in your root, heart and third eye chakra so sleep next to this amazingly healing crystal to keep yourself energetically tuned up.
More experienced practitioners can use this stone as an assistant with astral projection and lucid dreaming.
☾ connecting to your higher self
☾ psychic development
☾ clairvoyance
Build your crystal collection:
★ Our ethically sourced crystals are charged under the full moon
★ The crystal in the pictures is an example:
approximate weight and size:
70g and size 40 x 40mm
Manifestation is when you attract something into existence through the power of your mind. The trick to manifestation is simple, you just need to truly believe that you deserve to have your most amazing dreams come true.
Being an expert manifestor is, for some people, a process. Begin your manifestation journey by focusing on the small wins, like a convenient parking spot or a seat on a busy train. Once you start seeing evidence of some smaller wishes come true, you’ll be ready to give big manifestations a go.
Setting your intention
for every day, little manifestations
Using the power of intention is a simple practice that can be incorporated into your everyday life. The real trick to setting an intention is seeing it through. You must not let negative thinking hold you back. Easier said than done right? That is why crystal work can be an excellent support tool for self work.
Choose a crystal you feel drawn to, set your intention by speaking to the crystal. Just hold your precious gemstone and whisper your wish. Carry your crystal with you so it can be a constant reminder of your mission statement.
Moon Cycle Manifestation
for big manifestation
You can use the moon’s cycle to support your big manifestations. You need to start on the new moon and everyday of the 28 day moon cycle set your intention on a specific wish.
On the night of the new moon you place your crystals in a prominent place in your home, maybe somewhere in the moonlight like a windowsill. Every night until the full moon repeat your intention and see what magic manifests!
Learn more about crystal healing and manifesting on Instagram, Facebook and now Tik Tok.
Chakra healing meaning: The word chakra is originally Sanskrit, meaning 'wheel' or 'turning'. It refers to our main energy centres and how they affect our physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing. Each chakra has its own colour, element and purpose.
Your body is an energy system, and each part has its own function. While your heart keeps the blood flowing and your lungs keep you breathing, your energy system keeps your whole body working properly.
Your chakras need energy to flow through them in order to keep your spiritual body healthy. Imbalances in your energy system can cause psychological and physical symptoms, so it's important to keep your chakras in balance.
One of the ways you can heal your chakra system is through crystal realignment. You simply lay down and place a crystal of the corresponding colour on the chakra point, then sit back and relax as your energy blends with the healing frequency of the crystal.
A crystal's healing properties work on a spiritual level. They help clear your mind and restore your energy. Check out the chart below that illustrates the colour associations with each chakra point, plus examples of crystals that work well for alignments.
*You may be aware of the major seven chakras, the main energy centres of the body in the Indian and Buddhist traditions. But in fact, there are over a hundred chakra points, and at MCC we focus on ten.

This is an excerpt from our blog!
Read about all ten chakras here
How to cleanse your crystals:
1. Smoke cleanse
This is a very popular way to cleanse your crystals. The purifying smoke removes any energetic residue. You should always cleanse your crystals before you charge them.
Some crystal healing enthusiasts use candles or herb bundles. You can also use a bowl of mixed resins and herbs. Sage, rosemary and myrrh make a beautiful blend. Many shamanic healers use sage or palo Santo sticks. You should move the smoke around in a clockwise direction to cleanse the stone.
Sound healing is a great way to uplift your crystals' energy. It is believed that crystals align very well with the frequency of the sound. A lot of spiritual practitioners use a traditional singing bowl, but you can also download healing frequency sounds from Youtube. My favourite healing frequency is 432 hz, the universal frequency of harmony and peace.
How to charge your crystals under the full moon
The full moon marks the peak of the moon’s illumination, and this powerful moonlight is considered to be full of high vibrational energy that will charge your crystals up to their full healing capacity.
Traditionally, it is recommended to cleanse your crystals and leave them in the direct moonlight all night long. If you have a specific crystal healing purpose for any of your stones, you can prepare them by setting an intention.
This excerpt is is from our blog: